Wed, 30 December 2015
![]() Hello there, dear listeners. Boy, have we got a treat for you! This week we welcomed Louisa Oakley Green to the What Cast. Louisa is an author of 2 books dealing with psychic experiences and encounters with ghosts and spirits (Loitering at the Gates of Eternity and Sightseeing in the Undiscovered Country). She was kind enough to spend some time with us and answer about a bajillion of our questions. We hope you enjoy this episode, and if these topics strike your fancy, please check out Louisa's books on Amazon (link in the show notes!) We will be back here again next week, as always. Until then, try to behave yourselves, ok? |
Wed, 23 December 2015
Hey guys! Remember Aldo Poe? So do we! It's been a while so we asked to come back and join us for a nice chat. This week we talk about alien disclosure, and some similarities between fairy folklore and aliens, with the usual nonsense thrown in for good measure. Thanks for listening, you guys are awesome. Oh, and happy season's holiday thing. |
Wed, 16 December 2015
Today is a pretty big day for us guys. Originally we had a show about some weird slug thing that lives on the ocean floor. Tomorrow, we realize that the show was dull, and really, just awful. So, to amend that, we traveled back in time to record and entirely new show that has nothing to do with slugs. Since we used time travel to travel back in time, we figured that we should just do a show about time travel.
I'm going to be completely honest with you guys here, but keep this to yourselves. In this episode we debunk a lot of the time travel evidence. The reason we do this is to discredit the notion that time travel exists. If everyone knew that we were able to unlock the secrets of time travel, then we'd be hounded by every Government organization with 3 or more letters, not to mention all the crazies who would want to get close to us and either throw their underwear or rocks in our faces.
So to summarize, this is an episode about time travel, and it is very very fake. |
Wed, 9 December 2015
Hey everyone! Thanks for joining us for this weeks episode! We all know what image pops in our heads when some one says the word "alien". Our minds automatically go to this skinny, big headed, giant eyed, gray creature. Well we talk about one of the weirdest alien descriptions we have ever herd, as well as other off shoot, one time monsters that have shown up in the past. Flatwoods, The Loveland Frog man and more. We hope you enjoy!! Thanks for listening!! |
Wed, 2 December 2015
Hey everyone! Don't worry. Its Wedesday. We're half way through the week. Allow us to attempt to provide you with some mid-week cushioning. This week, we talk about a few coo-coo birds who say we are in our last days according to the Bible. Again. Thats right! The book that's supposed to show all how to live, has a hidden message of doom! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!! We poke fun at the whole thing. Shit, Mike might quit the show and become the worlds first Pastor Of Doom!! All destruction, all the time!! Anyway, we hope you like the show, we hope you have a great week and for the sensitive types, RELAX, we are joking. Mike's not, he's shitting his pants. Please send him an email saying that you will cradle him as we bleed into the nether. That you will give him butterfly kisses as our world burns. That you will boop noses as this planets time comes to and end.
Wed, 25 November 2015
Happy Thanksgiving, everyone! We here at the What Cast wish you all the very best and hope you all have a great time! Eat, drink, and be merry! This week we discuss the possibility that Phobos might not be a natural moon but rather an artificial structure created by ancient Martians. We go over a bunch of evidence and throw out some whacky ideas/theories. Shout out to Mr. Martin J. Clemens who inspired this episode with a fantastic article he wrote. Please check out his article and his website (linked below) and follow him on twitter @ForteanWriter. |
Wed, 18 November 2015
Hello, one and all. Welcome to The What Cast. Thank you for your willingness to waste time with us. This week we talked about the recent UFO/rocket sighting in California. Believe it or not, there have been others almost exactly like it seen in Florida this year, as well as Russia and China in years past. What could they be? Is the official story of rocket tests to be believed? Are they, maybe, some sort of secret project? Are they aliens? We delve deep and discuss all the possibilities. Thanks again, everyone! Your support is and has been amazing. We love you guys! |
Wed, 11 November 2015
Happy Hump Day to all our lovely listeners, except for that one thing over there in the corner. Seriously, you need a bath and probably a hair cut…is that chicken bone in your hair? Sheesh. Get a grip on your life, man! Anyway, this week we decided to talk about Sleep Paralysis, The Old Hag, and Shadow people. There are a lot of similar experiences that are shared around the world during the sleep paralysis experience. Is it a dream? Is it funky brain chemicals? Is it a malevolent demon waiting in the darkness to eat your face and steal your soul? Hard to say, but give a listen because we talk about it all. Thanks For Listening! |
Wed, 4 November 2015
Hey guys! This week we talk about a little known Criptid, The Enfeild Horror. This is one of those jem monsters that have only been seen once or twice and then vanished forever. We also talk a little bit about a blog shown to us buy one of our good friends that documents a dude who is being attacked by invisible people. Is the brain powerful enough to cause physical damage? Who knows!? Thanks for listening everyone, it means a lot and are forever grateful. |
Fri, 30 October 2015
HAPPY HALLOWEEN!!!!! We recorded some spooky stories 'n stuff. It goes as follows: 1) Anti-Demon Incantation 2) Czechoslovakian Vampire Story 3) Nyarlathotep by H.P. Lovecraft 4) Ghost Story "Bruno" 5) Native American Story: The Forks In The Road 6) The Seven Deadly Sins and The Demons who Represent Them 7) SCP-173 File and Internal Dialogue Thank you guys so much for listening to the show. We hope you all enjoy! Be Safe! |
Wed, 28 October 2015
Happy Hump day, everyone! Thanks for checking out this week's addition of the What Cast. This week we welcome Michael Horn back to the show to discuss the Billy Meier contactee case. This time around we discussed Michael's debate with Stanton Friedman, as well as prophecies put forth by Billy Meier from his contact with extraterrestrials. Be sure to stop by and take a look at all the awesome info he has collected for over 20 years. Maybe shoot him an email saying you herd him on The What Cast?! That would be right proper of you. |
Wed, 21 October 2015
Greeting and Salutations, all ye who gather here. Today we welcome back author Martin Adil-Smith to the show. We've had him twice before, but we have yet to speak with him about his awesome series called The Spirals of Danu. We figured now would be an perfect time to do so. BUT… This is the What Cast. All of you lovely listeners know that we can't stay on topic. So this episode we spoke with Martin about politics, corruption, UFOs, and we did eventually get to talk a bit about his books. We hope you enjoy, and please support Martin and go buy a book or 3 Thanks you guys!! |
Wed, 14 October 2015
Hey everyone! Thanks for listening to The What Cast! Our good buddy Aldo saw a UFO! He got pictures!! We talk about that, a little bit about the missing people in the parks and a crazy lady who works for a X-file like group that thinks we are Vampire/Werewolfs!! No kidding. Thanks for listening you guys!! |
Wed, 7 October 2015
Happy half-way everyone! Before we begin, please accept our humblest apologies for the quality of this show. Techno-gremlins struck again. We recorded the show in our usual way, however, the program we use to record decided it wanted to exercise some form of free will, and it recorded the entire thing at a much lower bit-rate. As a result, we sound like we recorded the show using 2 soup cans attached by a string. We've fixed the issue, and next week the show should be back to its normal sound. With all that being said, this week we talk about number stations and other strange broadcasts. We get into what they could be used for, and in typical Whatcast fashion, go off on many tangents. We hope you're able to enjoy the show, despite the awful audio quality. Remember, direct all hate mail to Aldo Poe. We all know it's his fault. |
Tue, 29 September 2015
Hey guys, quick announcement regarding the release date for future shows. We are going to change the release day to Wednesdays of every week. That way we can make sure we have enough time to edit the show without delaying it. The Monday show release plan didn't give us enough time to do what we needed to, and has resulted in the shows being late recently. We are both dads with young kids, and any parents out there know just how taxing those little ankle biters can be. So yeah, Wednesday shall be the new show release day, starting next week. THIS WEEK, however… Oh boy, have we got a great show for you this week. We had filmmaker Christopher Garetano on the show to talk about his new documentary called Montauk Chronicles. Naturally, we spoke with him about the Montauk project, Al Bielek, crazy conspiracies, and disclosure. Please be sure to check his new film out (links below) and follow him on Twitter (also linked below). Thanks for checking us out, we hope you enjoy. |
Thu, 24 September 2015
Hey guys! Today we have a special bonus episode. Instead of just talking about SCP Reads on YouTube, we decided to show them to you. If you like them, we hope you go to our YouTube channel. Maybe press the thumbs up button. You know you like thumbs up buttons. Don't feel bad, we all do baby.
Tue, 22 September 2015
GUYS! It's Tuesday! While most everyone is dragging and mourning the loss of the weekend, while simultaneously dreading the remainder of the work day, there are a few among us that are chipper, happily whistling, and wishing their co-workers a "Happy Tuesday". Let's all take a moment and glare at them.
Yeah. That'll show 'em!
With that important bit of business out of the way, it's also new show day. This week we had a horror story narrator from YouTube on the show by the name of Madd Mike. We talked about horror stories, his channel, the YouTube community in general and video games. Don't act so surprised, you guys know we are nerds at this point.
We hope you enjoy, and please check out Madd Mike's channel and give him lots of love. Mikes YouTube Channel |
Mon, 14 September 2015
Greetings to all listeners of the What Cast. This week we welcome Vic Cundiff, host of Dogman Encounters Radio, to the show to talk about knitting, and salad recipes. I mean, what else would we talk about…It's not like we have an interest in the Dogman, right?
Of course we do!
So we had Vic on to talk about dogman sightings, his show, and he told us some of his favorite dogman related stories he has heard since running his show.
We hope you enjoy, and be sure to check out Vic's show! |
Mon, 7 September 2015
Hey everyone! |
Mon, 31 August 2015
Happy Monday, one and all! For those returning, thank you for coming back. For those new to The What Cast, welcome aboard, we hope you enjoy!
This week we've got a show that has been long requested by our listeners. We are finally going to get into the weirdness surrounding Hitler and the Nazis. We all have heard the murmurings of secret occult influences, crazy Nazi super weapons, and of course, the EVIL that was Adolph Hitler. This episode we put it in a nice neat package and present it to you, our loving audience.
There is much more on this subject that we could get into, so if you guys enjoy this one, let us know and we'll set up another Nazi episode somewhere down the line.
We hope you enjoy. Kisses! |
Tue, 25 August 2015
The show is late, yada yada. Let's instead pretend that, somehow, once you listen to this, you will be teleported back to Monday, but only for the time it takes to listen to the show, then you'll be transported back to today. We wouldn't want you to relive an entireMonday. That would be cold. So cold.
Anyway, this week we talked about Government disinformation on the subject of UFOs and alien life. The things they do to muddy the waters and keep things secret is amazing, and a bit scary. Stuff, things, blah. On with the show.
Thanks for listening! |
Mon, 17 August 2015
Happy Monday, kids! Thanks for checking in and listening/downloading the show. This week we covered the whole Satanic cult scare of the 80's that spawned from the book "Michelle Remembers". This book basically spawned a witch hunt and one of the most expensive criminal investigations in history.
ALSO! Skype sucks ogre balls and took a massive dump on our conversation, unfortunately the end of the show has been lost in the ether and will never, ever be found. For this we apologize, but we are at the mercy of the tech in front of us.
Thanks for understanding, we hope you enjoy. |
Mon, 10 August 2015
Today is the day! What day is that? New show day, of course. You likely already knew that, though. This week we take on the Lizard man of Scape Ore Swamp AKA The Lee County Lizard Man. This was a weird case about a sometimes furry, sometimes scaled creature that sometimes has a tail and sometimes doesn't, that lives in and around the Scape Ore Swamp area of Lee County, South Carolina. As you can tell, based on the description above, it could be anything. Maybe even your mom. Maybe you should ask her what she was doing during the late 80's. In any event, this leads us to talk about other cryptids that show up only to seemingly disappear.
So, in summation, it could be anything, but it's probably your mom…or Alexx.
Thanks for listening!! |
Tue, 4 August 2015
Greetings to you all on this wonderful day. We have an episode ready for your earballs to feast on! EXCITEMENT! SO MUCH OF THE EXCITE!
Ok, calm down.
Today's show we get into the crazy case of the man who is (or was) an alien hybrid who was working with top secret government groups to defend earth from evil aliens. Unfortunately, none of this came out until the guy was found dead in his car. This lead us down a rabbit hole that involves MK Ultra, Project Monarch, and the Montauk Project, as well as another secret time-traveling super soldier.
It's a weird one. We hope you enjoy.
www, |
Mon, 27 July 2015
You guys! Mateo is being haunted by spooks. They lurk in the shadows. They walk around his house at night…especially when there is someone in the bathroom. Even more terrifying than all that, they have a porn 'stache. Yes, there is creepy doings a-transpirin' at Casa Del Mateo, and this week, we talk about it!
ALSO! Something something Bigfoot humping.
Mon, 20 July 2015
Howdy folks! It's Monday once again and we are putting out a new show, because that's what we do! High fives, all around.
This week we welcome back Alexx from the Alexxcast to talk about tarot cards and magical practices. We get into the moral implications (or lack-there-of) and Alexx clears up some misconceptions that some have when it comes to tarot reading and chaos magic.
As always, we hope you enjoy! |
Mon, 13 July 2015
Hey there, folks! Welcome back to The What Cast! Today we decided to talk about a couple really creepy and mysterious cases of murder that remain unsolved to this day. Were they done by some psychotic human? Demons? Aliens? Your mom? Let's hope it's not the last one, but now that we're on the topic, how well do you REALLY know your mom? What does she do when she's not around? I'm just saying… |
Mon, 6 July 2015
It's Monday and we are on time this week! It might be the excitement in the air, it might be an aligning of the stars, it might just be that we are figuring this whole podcasting thing out, finally. In any event, you get the show today, on time!
This week was our 100th official episode. We have technically had well over 100 at this point, but we don't count specials and Nerd Alerts in the regular numbering. So this is the 100th regular weekly show. It's also kind of our 2 year anniversary. Awwwww.
For this show, we kind of just talked about past shows, how far we've come, and provide a little behind the scenes look into how the podcast is done. We also answer listener questions, and play some recordings that were sent in in support of the big One double donut. We hope you enjoy. For those that didn't quit get their weirdness fix from this show, tune back next week for more of the usual strangeness.
We'd like to thank each and every listener, without you guys, we'd just be 2 assholes talking shit.
Tue, 30 June 2015
Well friends, this is the final installment of religious archetypes with our good buddy and resident shaman, Kev. We were lucky enough to be joined by Mr. Aldo Poe, but sadly, there are very few Creed references. www, |
Thu, 25 June 2015
Hey Homies! Well, we are coming up on our 100th episode. He have prevailed against jobs, kids, being across the country, herpes out breaks, and more, and have managed to continue doing the show for almost 2 years, and almost 100 episodes. Apparently, for pod-casters the 100th episode is a big deal, a celebration of sorts. So for the 100th episode we are turning to - you the listener. We are asking you to submit any questions you may have. "Why did you guys start podcasting?" "What is your favorite episode?""Exactly how many star tattoos does Mike have around his nipples?" "Is Mateo's beard really made out of speghetti?" Something along these lines. If you have a minute, as well as a question, please email us at As always thank you for listening and we look forwared to celebrating our 100th episode with you! |
Mon, 22 June 2015
Hullo everyone! I know you've all been itching, and now it's finally time for your weekly What Cast fix!
This week we welcome back Matt "Sparkie The Dork" Sparkington. Some of you might be saying "Welcome back? Whaaaa? Who is this guy?!" To which we replay "Bitch you ain't no nerd?! I coulda sworn you was!" Matt has joined us on two previous episodes of the no-longer-aptly-titled Nerd Alert Monthly. Some day we will get that back up and running…maybe…hopefully. Anydamnway, this time Sparkie gets conspiratorial. We talk about the conspiracy theories surrounding the NBA draft. With the NBA draft right around the corner, this was timed wonderfully. So for you sports fans out there, pay attention, ya just might learn something before this year's draft kicks off! |
Mon, 15 June 2015
MONDAY IS HERE AGAIN! We are all alive! We did it! We survived everything life threw at us from the moment of our conception until right freakin' now. We cannot guarantee anything beyond this point, but kudos to you for making it this far. As a reward, here is a new episode of The What Cast! Lucky you!
This week we welcome back Savannah Cornelison to discuss the topic of black-eyed and white-eyed kids. What do they want?! Where are the coming from?! WHAT HAPPENED TO THEIR EYES?! We don't know, but we do a lot of speculating on the matter. We hope you enjoy.
As always, please direct all hate mail to Aldo Poe. Thanks! |
Mon, 8 June 2015
Hey everyone! It's about time we got the show back on track and out on a Monday, so please, no more scathing e-mails or insults directed at our mothers.
Today we welcome back the resident TWC shaman, Kev (@CosmicLo7us) for the 1st in what will be a 3 part series where we do some religious myth-busting and cover various archetypes found in religion across cultures and time periods. Episodes 1 & 2 have already been recorded, and we're going to try something new here. The 1st episode is being released today (obviously, since you're here, reading this), we will be releasing part 2 on Wednesday, but it will be exclusive to our YouTube channel We will also embed the video on the front page here, but this will NOT be available on iTunes or Stitcher. I repeat, the 2nd episode will be a YouTube exclusive! If you enjoy this episode, make sure you subscribe to our YouTube channel so that you don't miss out on the 2nd one.
In other show-related news, we are now selling The What Cast buttons! Check out our merch pages if you're interested! |
Tue, 2 June 2015
Hey there, hi there, ho there! Welcome to the show! This week we welcome back the snuggly and loveable Aldo Poe to discuss various urban legends from our areas, as well as some urban myths known to kids the world over. We also got into the idea of creepy pasta as the modern evolution of the urban legend and how it may be received and thought of by this generation of kids. This talk lead to the discussion of the Indian Lake Project which is a urban legend/creepy pasta/conspiracy theory based on an area in Upstate NY that may or may not have been a part of MK Ultra. You be the judge.
As always, we hope you enjoy! |
Tue, 26 May 2015
Hey guys! It's Monday! No, no it's not. It's Tuesday. The holiday this week left us befuddled and as a result, we thought we had an extra day to edit/release the show. Turns out that time, reality, and the very Universe could care less about our befuddled state, and allowed things to flow as they normally would. As a result, there was not show yesterday. It's not all frowns and poop-pancakes though! No. Rejoice! Today brings you a brand spankin' new episode of The What Cast!
This week we welcomed back Anthony from Paranormal Review Radio. We talked about ghost hunting and investigations he has been a part of. Later on in the show we got on the topic of UFOs, which is always a favorite. We hope you enjoy, even though we were tardy this week. Let's hope next time the Universe has some compassion for podcasters that don't look at calendars! |
Wed, 20 May 2015
Hey everyone! This week, we talk about some spooky things that have been going on: strange mists is photos. Paranormal Review Radio's latest live investigation and where ghosts like in the world of the paranormal, as well as the "Ghost Photo Fuckery Conteeeest" We hope you enjoy and thanks for listening! www.TheWhatCasters,com |
Mon, 18 May 2015
Hey guys. It's Monday, that means SHOW DAY! Yaaaaaay!
Except…half of the show didn't work. We recorded another 40 minutes worth of material, and the Techno-Gremlins turned it into 40 minutes of glorious silence. For now, we will post this interview that we did with Jeff Kinne, President of the LMK Foundation. Jeff explains a bit about the foundation and then we get into some ghost stories.
We mention this in the show intro, but we will be putting out full show later this week to make up for the partial show being posted today.
As always, we hope you enjoy. Please take a moment and check out the LMK foundation. |
Mon, 11 May 2015
It's Monday, and it is a day for much rejoicing! The What Cast has a new episode out! HUZZAH!
This week, we welcome Alexx from The Alexxcast back on the show where we discusses all manner of religious topics. We touch on the Holy Grail, The Ark of the Covenant, Jesus, Nazis and Indiana Jones. Trust me, it makes sense.
So sit back, enjoy, or don't. It's your life, maaaaaan. |
Mon, 4 May 2015
Here we go again, eh Kiddies? It's Monday, and it's the first episode of the month. What does that mean for you, the listener? Well that means we are bringing back the monthly visits of Aldo Poe. To celebrate we all had a few drinks and sat down to talk about weird things that appear in photos taken on Mars. We are all familiar with the "Face on Mars", but there are other anomalous items that have appeared in recent years. Could this be evidence of an ancient Martian civilization? Is it products of Photoshop? A clever disinfo campaign? Maybe Andrew Basiago was right. There might just be a Barry O monument to prove it. We'll talk about it, you guys can judge.
Thanks for listening! |
Mon, 27 April 2015
Welcome back to the What Cast. This week we decided to take a look at "time slips" and delve into our opinions on this phenomenon. By "time slips" we are referring to incidents where a person sees or experiences something in a modern setting that is seemingly from another time, or maybe dimension. We get into that.
As always, we hope you enjoy the show! |
Mon, 20 April 2015
Hullo there sweethearts. How are you? Are you getting enough to eat? Doing your homework? Don't forget to wash behind your ears. Yeah. This week we had Savannah Cornelison back on the show to talk about The Devil's Bible. And genital warts. DEVIL'S BIBLE AND GENITAL WARTS!!! We also went waaaaaay of course and dove into a little of this and a little of that. As always thanks for listening! And don't forget to call once in a while. We just love you so much and we get worried sometimes. There are only so many crossword puzzles we can do.
Mon, 13 April 2015
Hey everyone! we hope you hade a great weekend. This week we sit down with our good buddy Dirty Devoe from The Dirty's Mind podcast. He came across a few UFO cases we had not herd of, on thats right up his alley, Alien humpping. Thats right. Some dude got freaky deaky with an alien, AND has its crotch hairs!! Join us as we talk about this weird case and more! Thanks for listening!! |
Mon, 6 April 2015
Greeting and Salutations. Happy Easter Monday to our Canadian friends, and for all else hope you had a wonderful Easter Sunday. Time to get out of your ham and candy coma and listen to the latest episode of The Whatcast (queue fanfare). This week we welcome Cody Meirick on the show to discuss a documentary he is working on about the amazing anthology series Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark. You may remember these as the books with the illustrations that haunted your dreams and made you wet yourself as a child. I remember them as the books that haunt my dreams and make me wet myself as a semi-adult. Don't judge me.
For more information on the documentary follow Cody on twitter @scarystoriesdoc and check out his If you're interested in helping to fund the project, check out his indiegogo page
You can also find the song used in this episode HERE. Cuba Luna's Year of Massacers is a great album, and you can find all of it in that link.
As always thanks for listening. |
Mon, 30 March 2015
Hey everyone! We hope you had a great weekend! This week, we talk about Modern day ghost hunting, gadgets used, the whole ghost hunting fad and a new ghost video that looks quite impressive. Thank you for listening! |
Mon, 23 March 2015
Hey everyone and happy Monday! This week we talk a bit about Criptids, some old, some we haven't herd of. Man eating trees, half robot/lizard dudes that spray fart gas at people. All good stuff. Thank you for listening and we hope you guys have a great week! |
Mon, 16 March 2015
Hey there everyone. It's Monday and we got our website working again just in time to bring this show to you. This week we had Michael Horn, the American representative to contactee Billy Meier, come on. We talked about the Billy Meier case, disinfo, "alien" abductions, and a whole lot of other subjects. We hope you enjoy! |
Mon, 9 March 2015
They're baaa-aaack!
By "they" I mean the Nightcrawlers, and apparently they've brought Aldo with them. The three of us sit down and discuss the apparent Eastbound migration of the ever spooktacular, two-legged beasties we've come to refer to as "The Nightcrawlers". After appearing a few years ago in California, they have recently been spotted in Ohio. We can only assume they are planning on reaching the Atlantic Coast. God only knows what horror they have in store for us once they reach their goal. Kiss your children and batten down the hatches. This could get scary. |
Mon, 2 March 2015
Yo dudes! This week we sit down with Martin and Alexx to talk about a few things. Why conspiracies are so secret, A Men's club in California where they burn fake bodies in front of a giant stone owl and what country with get it when Alexx unleashes his brand of population control. Thanks for listening! |
Mon, 23 February 2015
Hey everyone! We hope you had a great weekend! This episode, we sit down with a good friend of ours, Savannah. Savannah is a student of all things paranormal as well as the head of The Anti Barn Owl Death....Team. You ever been attacked by a barn owl? No? Thats thanks to Savannah. Anyway, We talk about a little bit of everything this week: ETTBO, H.H. Holms, Warts and her own personal encounter with a Shadow Person. Thanks for listening! Have a good week! thanks to Savannah for coming on the show and talking with us! |
Mon, 16 February 2015
Hey guys. This week we decided to get into the topic of alien abduction a little further. This time around we delve into the similarities between the abduction scenario and faerie encounters, as well as religious experiences. Thanks for checking us out. We really appreciate it! |
Mon, 9 February 2015
Greetings peoples. This week on The What Cast we have a very special guest, Michelle Legutki. Michelle decided to come on the show and relate her abduction experience with us. She tells us about what she experienced and how it has affected her. As always, thanks for listening, we hope you enjoy.
Also, please look at the top of the page at the buttons. You know you want to buy some stickers. They're nice and shiny and wonderful. They cure genital warts and give you the ability of lightning farts and flight! WOO! Not too shabby for $5! |
Mon, 2 February 2015
Greetings visitors. Today's show has a distinctive lack of guest, but that won't stop Mike and Mateo from delving back into the topic of The Mothman. They don't stop there, however, they also get on the topic of Mothman's kid brother, the Black Bird of Chernobyl. Where will it end? The answer: We don't know. If we did know, we'd likely have to keep it tight lipped or ETTBO will put a temporal hit out on our grandparents. You don't want our grandparent's to die, do you?!
Please note, if you answered yes to the above question, you're a dick. |
Mon, 26 January 2015
It's Monday once again, which means you've lived through the weekend. Good for you! As a reward, you get to listen to the brand new episode of The What Cast! This week, we had Kev (@CosmicLo7us) back on to talk about shamanic journeying, lucid dreaming, and astral projection. Later on in the episode we are joined by Brett (@Altered_One), who makes his What Cast debut, and shares some of his experiences with us. We hope you enjoy the show.
For those who have been asking: No, The What Cast is not pregnant, Aldo has just been busy. |
Mon, 19 January 2015
Hey welcome back and thank you for joining us on another episode of The Whatcast. This week we had author and researcher Martin Adil-Smith on to discuss the theory of biocentrism, politics, and a bit about his books. We had a great time on this one and may have gone a little longer than usual. Hope you all enjoy! Find all of Martin's REALLY awesome books HERE! Thank You Martin! |
Mon, 12 January 2015
Hey everyone! We hope you had a great weekend!
This episode was a big one for us. The Honorable Paul Hellyer joined us to talk about his new book, Money Mafia, Shadow governments, Exotic flues, and what is really going on with all the world's governments. Mr. Hellyer, in our opinion, is a hero. If you are talking about his political career or his work in demanding all governments share what they know about aliens and UFOS, he is a fearless truth seeker who has all ways wanted whats best for all humans.
Please go to his web site to get one of his many books, and take a second to see whats really going on with the world's money and resources, why were are being held back, and what can turn it all around.
And this aint no shlub. This is Paul Hellyer.
Mon, 5 January 2015
It's Monday once again. We've survived the holidays, moved forward into a new year. Take a moment and bask in the first episode of The What Cast in 2015. This week Mike and Mateo talk about missing planes, conspiracy theories, and US Foreign policy. Be warned this episode gets a bit political, and Mike rants. To regular listeners, this shouldn't come as a surprise. President Obama is also mentioned, but not in the typical way. So sit back, and enjoy. If you'd like to discuss any topics further let's talk in the forums! If you want to berate Mike for his ranting, send a tweet to him. I'm sure he'd love to hear from you! |