The What Cast

Have you guys every heard of the Mothman, thing?  Yeah, the one from the movie.  No. No, Richard Greer is not the Mothman.  Do you even pay attention to things?  Listen, you’ve got a lot to learn about-


You know what?  Forget it.  I’m not your mom.  I’m not here to harp on you about your attention to detail.  I’m here to tell you about this week’s show.


Coming at you this week:  The Mothman may have left Point Pleasant, but is it still around?  In 2017 reports began coming in regarding a series of Mothman sightings in Chicago.  Researcher Tobias Wayland began looking into these sightings and was able to uncover a massive amount of cases in Illinois that predates the 2017 sightings.  We have compiled the best reports and are now bringing them to your ear holes.

Direct download: 389.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 6:30pm PST

WIZARDS! *Queue lightning* MAD SCIENTISTS! *maniacal cackling* POLTERGEISTS! *Audible gasp*


This week on The What Cast we take a look at a couple interesting individuals from history.  Both considered to be wizards or sorcerers by the general public, but this was likely not the case.  Listen, just because one guy can control lightning and create new species of insects, and the other guy can stretch himself like Mr. Fantastic and make furniture dance, that doesn’t mean they are freakin’ wizards.  I mean…I can’t do that sort of stuff, but I also can’t slam dunk and last I checked Michael Jordan wasn’t a wizard…or was he?


I’m all confused now and my world view is quickly shifting.  I’m lost guys.  Alright, move on.  Look over there, WIZARDS!

Thanks for listening!

Direct download: 388.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 7:10am PST

In the past, we’ve discussed the fearsome creatures of the American Lumberwoods.  If these sorts of critters were being discussed around campfires in the early days of The United States, just imagine the similar creatures that were being discussed around ancient campfires across the world!


Today, we here at the What Cast, delve into the myths and legends surround the fearsome creatures of the ancient lumberwoods.  Hold on to your lederhosen!

Griffin Claw:


Direct download: 387.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 9:42am PST

With UFO disclosure now part of our everyday background, a recent article detailing paranormal activity and UFO sightings by an airman stationed at a nuclear weapons facility is the latest tid-bit of info.

This made us sit back and think about some past cases we previously discussed. This episode, we revisit the sightings and general weirdness at the bases that house America's nuclear arsenal.
Direct download: 386.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 5:31pm PST

In the past, we’ve discussed many different varieties of hauntings and spooky entities.  By now, we are all familiar with ghosts, and shadow people, but this week we take a look at an all new breed of haunters – phantom hands.


For this episode we look at a wide range of ghostly hand encounters.  Everything from hands appearing from narrow gaps, to floating creepy hands, and hairy, murderous hands.


Join us, as we get bitch slapped by disembodied hands from another dimension


Thanks for listening!

Direct download: hands.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 8:01am PST

The holidays are over.

The new year has come.

Time to get back to the weird stuff. 

Time to get back to The What Cast!

We hope all is well! We hope you got cool goodies! 

Let's start this year out right with some Skellitoids!

Now there wasn't much on them, sadly, but there were a couple cool ones we go over. Possible explanations and foul cost of wizard protection.


Direct download: 384.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 9:54am PST