Wed, 25 July 2018
KLAATU VARADA NIKTO!!! I hope I pronounced that correctly. If an army of Deadites storms through your door and slaughters your loved ones, please accept my apologies.Get those boomsticks ready, kids. Things could get grim. |
Wed, 18 July 2018
Hey everyone! This week we are joined by Michael and Michael from The TX Files Podcast. That's right. You have entered the Mike zone. Michael B and Michael C are The TX Files. A podcast about all things strange and bizarre that come out of Texas! UFO sightings, Monsters and even a dash of good old fashion murder and mayhem. If it's happened in Texas, the Mikes cover it. A truly unique show done by a pair of really awesome Mikes. They kick all the asses at their job of exploring the weirdness found in Texas so be sure to check them out. If it's alien abduction or spree killers yer looking for, these guys can help you out by presenting good, solid info as well as a good time!
Wed, 11 July 2018
Hey everyone! Do you believe in Miracles? What if you had proof that miracles were real? That they really happened? You would want to spread the word right? That's a perfectly normal reaction. Something so good is meant to be shared! Let's say everyone believed you, but yer a proud kinda folk. You wana SHOW people that miracles can happen. How far would you be willing to go? Cut your boobies off? Woah, woah. That's a little rough, calm down. You only have to eat a little poo, drink a little pee. Ya know. The good 'ol fashion 17th century France stuff. |
Wed, 4 July 2018
Hello friends! This week we are join by a very special guest paranormal investigator, sensitive, tarot reader, aspiring author, and all around bad ass woman, Ms. Luci Leibfried. Luci was co host of one of earths best paranormal radio shows for 5 years, interviewing the top names in the field and investigating some of the most haunted places known to man.Please join us as we welcome her back to the show to discuss what shes been up to, her future plans and much more! |