Mon, 29 December 2014
Greetings. Here we are once again. Hopefully you've all gotten beyond your holiday induced comas and are ready to buckle down, at least until Wednesday when we'll likely be in an alcohol induced coma, but that's still a few days away. Let the future us's worry about that! Today, sit back and tune in as we bring you a show based on giant humanoids. We get into some of the "evidence" that might point to giants being a real part of the history of Earth. We also reference the lost OOPArts episode again. Someday we'll sit down and actually do a proper episode on the topic. For now, you'll have to make do with the talk of giants. SO! BEHOLD! The What Cast presents: GIANT TALK! Dun Dun DUUUUUUUN! |
Sun, 28 December 2014
Hey guys. Thanks for checking out the Whatcast presents: Nerd Alert Monthly. This month we had Kyle (Go Go Gadget Pink Packet) and Eric (Generic) on to discuss video games, the state of modern hip-hop, music writing, professional wrestling, and Mike's younger brothers. Also, to add a bit of Whatcast flavor, Kyle talks about what might be an alien encounter he had. Stick around after the episode for an unreleased track from Generic. If you dig it, check the links below to download music from Go Go Gadget Pink Packet and Generic. Word.
Mon, 15 December 2014
Hullo Kiddies. We've survived another week, and as a reward you get to listen to this awesome episode of The Whatcast. What a way to start out this new week! Lucky you!
This week we sat down with Juan from the Scientific Human Impact project (@humanimpact305) to talk about cloning, de-extinction, wooly mammoths, and whether or not the Government has secret underground lairs filled with dinosaurs. On a related note, isn't it kind of bullshit the Jurassic Park is called Jurassic Park? Always bothered me. Way to mess with us, Michael Crichton!
Anyway, enjoy this episode. May the promise of next week's episode get you through another week. We are hurtling at unsafe speeds toward the Holidays. Pump those breaks and relax. It's supposed to fun! |
Mon, 8 December 2014
Hey there party people! It's time once again for this week's episode of The What Cast. This time around we talked about The Georgia Guidestones, the Illuminati, and of course the impending the war with Evil Time Traveling Barack Obama. How could we not? The Guidestones were clearly commissioned by ETTBO as a warning to us all about what the world under his reign will be like. As always, we here at the Whatcast are breaking news on all things Evil Time Traveling Barack Obama. It pays to have a guy on the inside.
Mon, 1 December 2014
The turkey has come and gone. The Warriors of Capitalism have done battle over the weekend. Now the time has come for Monday to rear its ugly head and remind us that we are all real people that need to do some crunches and squat thrusts because pie. It's also time for your weekly intake of the Whatcast! (Queue fanfare)
This week we had a special treat as Ms. Luci from the Paranormal Review Radio show came on to discuss tarot, Ghost hunting, and video games. We were also lucky enough to have her give Mike a reading that he was pleased/surprised by. He is a bit of a skeptic, after all.
So gather your friends and family around your favorite listening device and bask in the glory of the first episode of the Whatcast of the Holiday Season.
We will be posting our lists to Santa shortly. Spoiler alert: Aldo asks for Nickleback and Creed memorabilia.
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