The What Cast (Bizarre UFO Abductee)
The What Cast #122 - The Weirdest Alien Ever

Hey everyone! Thanks for joining us for this weeks episode! We all know what image pops in our heads when some one says the word "alien". Our minds automatically go to this skinny, big headed, giant eyed, gray creature. Well we talk about one of the weirdest alien descriptions we have ever herd, as well as other off shoot, one time monsters that have shown up in the past. Flatwoods, The Loveland Frog man and more. We hope you enjoy!! Thanks for listening!!

Direct download: assscaners.mp3
Category:Bizarre UFO Abductee -- posted at: 3:58pm PST

The What Cast #79 - Our Talk With An Abductee

Greetings peoples.  This week on The What Cast we have a very special guest, Michelle Legutki.  Michelle decided to come on the show and relate her abduction experience with us.  She tells us about what she experienced and how it has affected her.  As always, thanks for listening, we hope you enjoy.


Also, please look at the top of the page at the buttons. You know you want to buy some stickers.  They're nice and shiny and wonderful.  They cure genital warts and give you the ability of lightning farts and flight! WOO! Not too shabby for $5!

Direct download: abstory79.mp3
Category:Bizarre UFO Abductee -- posted at: 11:00am PST