The What Cast

In this episode, I sit down with Mike and we share 3 stories where people have seamed to have vanished. Turned into nothing. We kick around probable causes, as well as discus the strage phenomenon that seams to be plaguing the National Parks of the US. 

Direct download: SHOW3.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 12:31am PST

On this episode we are again joined by our good buddy Mike (@LastBoneStands) where he breaks down the gnarly weirdness that has taken place at The Skin Walker Ranch. A place said to have been cursed, and now is domain to The skin Walker. Join us as this story takes us from UFOs and poltergeist activity  to possible dimensional  breach.

Direct download: SHOW_2.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 6:07pm PST

Join me as I sit down with all around bad ass, and fellow student of mystery, @LastBoneStands as we discus The Wyoming case, The Dyatlov Incident and more on this 1st episode of The What Cast! Fart!

Direct download: inmusic1_2.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 5:07pm PST