Wed, 23 December 2020
Hey everyone! This week, we take a break from Monoliths and UFOs to cover once of the strangest cases in alien encounter history; The Potosi Sheep Slayer! If you thought The Chupacabras was the only creature that had a problem with farm animals, think again. Join us as we talk about chopper chairs, llamas and a bad ass young lady with a baby on her back and a billy club in her hand.
Wed, 16 December 2020
Well. Things are in fact getting weirder. Look, we know that's not a real word, but its the best we got for what's going on. We will see yer Space Force and raise you Space Marines. Monoliths? Add some engraved coordinates. Tic Tack UFOs? Shiiiiiiiiiit, you haven't seen the Star Destroyer floating around our atmosphere? Buckle up kiddo, 2020 ain't over yet.
Wed, 9 December 2020
By now, we’ve ALL heard about this mysterious monolith that just keeps popping up. As of the time of the recording, there still had not been any confirmation on who was behind it, so please keep that in mind while listening. We decided to take a deep dive and get into each structure that has popped up, offer speculation, and of course, we go off the deep end. It’s all part of ETTBO’s plan. Join us. UPDATE!! Check the links! Thanks Dilago Links: |