The What Cast
Greetingsssss and sssssalutationsssss.

It's all things reptoid this week.  From conspiracies to aliens and cryptids, we cover a good chunk of reptilian lore.  They're everywhere and they want to eat our babies!

Direct download: reptar.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 8:33am PST

Hello, fellow humans.  Our humblest apologies for the lack of show last week. To make it up to you, we will be releasing 2 shows this week.

First up, revenge.  We decided to cover a few historical cases of extreme revenge.  We aren't talking about shutting in someone's cornflakes. This is the type of revenge that erases entire villages from existence.

Don't try this at home.


Thanks for listening

Direct download: revenge.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 1:23pm PST

Ok, so we've mentioned it before, but this time an entire show is devoted to it. The Blemmyea. The man without a head. The man with a face in his chest. The man that isn't a man because he is 12 feet tall and 7 feet wide.

Here's the thing, this thing is spoken of in many different ancient cultures,  but there is no modern sightings.

What the he'll happened?!

I, for one, reckon it has something to do with the lack of females...maybe ass brains, too.

Yeah. Lack of females and ass brains.

Direct download: 196.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 9:35pm PST

GUYS! There are two potential explanations for what went down in the 200 Mile Gorge centuries ago in the Nahanni Valley.

1)  The most dangerous, spooky/scary, race of giants  terrorized the natives in Northwest Canada and just disappeared at the turn of the 19th century


2)  The aliens from Predator are real and cutting off heads in the NorthWest Territories of Canada.

Who knows?  Maybe both are true.



Direct download: 195.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 3:08pm PST