The What Cast
The What Cast #90 - Time Slips!

Welcome back to the What Cast.  This week we decided to take a look at "time slips" and delve into our opinions on this phenomenon.  By "time slips" we are referring to incidents where a person sees or experiences something in a modern setting that is seemingly from another time, or maybe dimension. We get into that.


As always, we hope you enjoy the show!

Direct download: The_What_Cast_90_-_Time_Slips.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 7:37am PST

The What Cast #89 - The Devil's Bible with Sanannah

Hullo there sweethearts. How are you?  Are you getting enough to eat? Doing your homework?  Don't forget to wash behind your ears.


This week we had Savannah Cornelison back on the show to talk about The Devil's Bible. And genital warts.  DEVIL'S BIBLE AND GENITAL WARTS!!! We also went waaaaaay of course and dove into a little of this and a little of that. As always thanks for listening!

And don't forget to call once in a while. We just love you so much and we get worried sometimes.  There are only so many crossword puzzles we can do.


Direct download: devils.mp3
Category:Bizarre Paranormal -- posted at: 9:27am PST

The What Cast #88 - Dirty Aliens with Dirty Devoe

Hey everyone! we hope you hade a great weekend. 

This week we sit down with our good buddy Dirty Devoe from The Dirty's Mind podcast. He came across a few UFO cases we had not herd of, on thats right up his alley, Alien humpping. Thats right. Some dude got freaky deaky with an alien, AND has its crotch hairs!! Join us as we talk about this weird case and more! Thanks for listening!!

Dirty's Mind Podcast

Direct download: dirtyaliens.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 6:49am PST

The What Cast #87- Scary Stories To Tell In The Dark with Cody Meirick

Greeting and Salutations. Happy Easter Monday to our Canadian friends, and for all else hope you had a wonderful Easter Sunday.  Time to get out of your ham and candy coma and listen to the latest episode of The Whatcast (queue fanfare).  This week we welcome Cody Meirick on the show to discuss a documentary he is working on about the amazing anthology series Scary Stories to Tell in the Dark.  You may remember these as the books with the illustrations that haunted your dreams and made you wet yourself as a child.  I remember them as the books that haunt my dreams and make me wet myself as a semi-adult. Don't judge me.


For more information on the documentary follow Cody on twitter @scarystoriesdoc and check out his  If you're interested in helping to fund the project, check out his indiegogo page


You can also find the song used in this episode HERE. Cuba Luna's Year of Massacers is a great album, and you can find all of it in that link.


As always thanks for listening.

Direct download: SCARRYSTORIES.mp3
Category:Bizarre Paranormal -- posted at: 8:54am PST