The What Cast
This week, Mike puts on his Joe Nickell hat and prepares to debunk a batch of lesser-known cryptids and strange events.
Mateo brings the weirdness, Mike brings the skepticism and they work together to find out:  Is it really a kangaroo?
Should be thrilling.
Direct download: 265.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 2:02pm PST

Are killer dolls real?  Could that My Buddy doll from the back of your closet really harbor the soul of a murderer?  Could that old Cabbage Patch doll house the essence of a demon?  Based on these references, it should be clear that I am a child of the 80's, but that is neither here nor there.
In the bible, it is said that Adam was formed from clay and given life through God's divine power.  In legends of Jewish mysticism, it is claimed that a golem can be created in much the same way.
Is there a difference between Adam and the Golem?  Is Chucky or Annabelle a form of Golem?  What's this nonsense about Voodoo dolls?  
Mateo is a porcelain doll that houses the soul of a 14 century Spanish explorer and Mike is secretly the Golem of Prague.  
Just...ya know, keep it between us.  It hard enough trying to go through life as a magical construct.
Direct download: 264.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 12:47pm PST

As humans, we've been deeply involved in thousands or wars throughout history.  Typically, it's one culture/nation against another.  Some conspiracy theorists would have you believe that there is an on-going war against some alien power that we have been struggling against for damn near 100 years.
One thing that we don't often hear about is the war against the Bigfeet...Bigfoots? Bigfooted...Sasquatches.  Yeah, the human/sasquatch war.  That's the ticket.
Maybe it's not a full on war, but there have been some noted skirmishes that resulted in deaths on both sides.  Maybe this was a territorial spat, maybe it was deep seeded hatred, left over from an ancient war between our races.  Listen to the missive from Director Jones for more on this...  
Maybe people are just dicks and stole Bigfoot's beef jerky one too many times.
Direct download: 263.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 12:28pm PST

Sounds like the End of Times, doesn't it?    
Humans are an odd lot.  There's a great majority that hear of tragic events and see them for what they are.  They feel bad for those impacted by loss or suffering, but go back to living life under the assumption that bad things happen and we are not immortal beings.
Then there's the other lot...
These are the people that will turn a tragedy into convoluted, often political mess.  They are the ones to grasp onto the slightest thread of dubious evidence and use it to support a notion of a grand conspiracy.
This week, inspired by the ridiculous conspiracy theories claiming California is under attack from the Death Star, we decided to get into the ridiculous conspiracies that surround tragic events.
Direct download: 262.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 12:14pm PST

Family. Bastards. We’re only fit to visit, what, once, twice a year. And now here they are. Stinking up the place, messing up the living room and shitting in your ear about their new job. Sorry Karen, I don’t give a crap about Bobby’s honor roll, I have potatoes to mash, you pig. 

Feel the same? Well our guest doesn’t. He has an awesome family! In fact, you have already met his better half, Miss Jen Place, Author of Building 51. 

This thanksgiving, we sat down with our good friend Aaron who tells us about his new podcast, his up bringing with religion and how it played a roll in paranormal experiences later in life. 

What? You think we’d leave you high and dry with all this cooking to do? 

Now tell grandma to put her teeth back in and help with these carrots. They ain’t guna chop themselves....


How We Saw It Podcast
A Voice In Between 

Aaron On Twitter

Direct download: 261.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 10:50am PST

If you are listening to this show, we are going to assume you are aware of Nessie, the creature that allegedly inhabits the depths of Loch Ness.  Nessie has long been a staple of the cryptid community.
Here, at the What Cast, we are about to rip that staple out.  You see, dear listener, this episode we attempt to debunk the fabled monster of Loch Ness.  
This week, we call bullshit on Nessie.  Disagree with us?  Let us know, with examples of STRONG evidence.  Listen to the robot at the end of the show, he'll let you know how to get in touch.
Direct download: 260.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 3:16pm PST

Our lives can be strange.  Some of the things that are experienced by the living give us a clue that our existence is not as normal as one might thing.  Things get even weirder when you consider the concept of Death.  
As mortals, we still seem to struggle with death, both as an event and a concept.  This is made all the more difficult when faced with the unexpected death of a loved one.  While one is never able to truly prepare to let go, the unexpected nature of some deaths leaves those left behind with a lot of questions.
This week, we decided to take a look at a few cases where death was not only unexpected, but the deceased died surrounded by mystery.  
So hunker down, hug your loved ones and tune in.  Things are about to get weird.
Thanks for listening! 
Direct download: sudden.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 3:54pm PST

Happy Halloween!!! 

As we try to do every year, we have compiled some interesting, somewhat spooky things for you to listen while you and your children knife fight each other for candy. 

Sit back, open another snack sized Kit Kat and start to relax....relax....relax.....relax....

1) Wiccan Protection Spell 
2) Halloween Talk
3) Vampire
4) Origin Of Halloween
5) Nemesis by H. P. Lovecraft 

Have a great and safe Halloween!
Thank you for listening!

Direct download: halloween18.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 1:07pm PST

In 2004 the ESA launched a probe that was going where no probe has gone before. Worm hole? Alien planet? No, but the real answer is just as interesting. 10 years later, they actually succeeding in lading a probe on a flying rock in space traveling at 35,000 MPH

But what did they land it on? Comet? Alien base? All of the above!

Direct download: 258.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 11:49pm PST

Have you ever heard of a little place in Pennsylvania called Chestnut Ridge?  It's an area along the Western ridge of the Allegheny mountains.  "What's so interesting about that?" you ask.
Well shaddup and I'll tell ya! Geez!  You people are impatient.
Where was I?  Oh yes...
Chestnut Ridge seems to be one of those areas that is a hot spot for all manner of paranormal and cryptoriffic happenings.  Everything from UFOs to Bigfoot and even the freakin' Thunderbird have stopped into this place.  Apparently, it's a pretty happening tourist locale for all things weird.  Maybe your mom should go visit.
Direct download: 257.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 4:27pm PST

Ever wonder who would win if Nessie challenged Bigfoot to an arm wrestling contest or whether or not the Dover demon can bench press more than the Hopkinsville Goblins?  If you or someone you love have ever pondered these all important scenarios, this episode is for you. 
We took some of our favorite cryptids, monsters and demons and put them in a gladiatorial pit to fight for out amusement.  We give a brief rundown of their stories, outline potential strengths and weaknesses then let the fists fly.
Next week:  Who will win in a rubber band gun shootout to the death, Mike or Mateo?  Be sure to tune in and bring your protective eye goggles.
Direct download: 256.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 7:29pm PST

Ghost heads, bangings and hangings. OH MY!
We've covered our fair share of hauntings on this show, but it's not every day that we cover a haunting that follows the victim like a damn stalker.  
This week, we cover the curious case of the San Pedro Haunting.
Direct download: sanpadro.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 12:35pm PST

Do you like zombies?  Do you like stories of demonic possession?  How's about Nazi conspiracy theories?
If you answered in the affirmative of one or all of those questions, boy, do we have a show for you!
This week we decided to touch on the creepy stories surround the Celle Neues Rathaus in Celle, Germany.  As we've all heard, the Nazis were responsible for some horrific experiments done in the name of furthering medical knowledge at the time.  What if some of these experiments were testing reanimation of dead bodies and summoning infernal entities into our reality?  
This story has "Horror movie" written all over it.  Get on that, Hollywood!
Direct download: naz.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 12:19pm PST

We've all heard some mention of a Mummy's curse over the years.  For many, this is just one of those vague myths that they've heard about somewhere in passing.  What many don't realize is that the most famous curse associate with a mummy is that of the most well known pharaoh from ancient Egypt, King Tut!
So, was this curse a real thing, or was it all a matter of coincidence?  This week we take a long hard look at this alleged curse and find out once an for all whether or not the curse is real.  Is it actually the product of protective alien technology?  Maybe the work of an ancient wizard using his mystical magics to ensure the protection of his king?  Maybe it was just a run of bad luck for those involved in excavating the tomb.
We will chatter about it, you can draw your own conclusions.
Thanks for listening!
Direct download: 253.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 9:08am PST

When most people think of weird and creepy things in London, Jack the Ripper and hauntings seem to appear at the top of the list.

This week we delve into the lesser known weirdness in London. Apparently London is a hot bed of dimensional rifts and time anomalies.

Direct download: 252.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 10:24am PST

Imagine this:  After a hard days work, you come home, put on your most comfy bathrobe, pack a pipe and take a load off in your favorite chair.  Sounds nice and relaxing doesn't it?  Now imagine that while you are sitting in your comfortably chair, enjoying the aforementioned pipe, you suddenly, perhaps spontaneously, erupt into flames and burn to death.

Pretty jarring change of events, wouldn't you say?

This week we look into cases of spontaneous human combustion and give our takes on what might be behind this phenomenon.  Is it magic?  Is it carelessness? Is it ALIENS?!

We invite you to draw your own conclusions, but just between you and me...It's probably the manifestation of some strange mutant ability that cannot be controlled, resulting in almost the complete disintegration of the human body.

Direct download: 251.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 11:01am PST


No, this is not an episode of the 1960's Batman TV show.  This is The What Cast and this week, we are going to discuss what happens when wizards go to war!

Now, we aren't talking Gandalf and Merlin here.  We are talking REAL mages, right outta history.  In this episode, you will hear of battles that took place between practitioners of the Black Arts and just how feuds and disputes are settled between masters of the mystical arts!

By the Hoary Hosts of Hoggoth!  Strap on your Crimson Bands of Cyttorak and hold fast to the Eye of Agamotto!  This one is a doozy!

Direct download: 250.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 3:06pm PST

You know that one great uncle from your dad's side that is like 300-something year's old?  What if there is more to his longevity than just being fueled by grumpiness and confusion?

This week we take a look at some people that had exceptionally long lives.  In fact, in some cases you might say they are immortal.

Before you start thinking how cool it would be to be an immortal on this Earth, remember:  In the end, there can only be one!
Thanks for listening!
Direct download: 249.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 8:25am PST

You are all familiar with the Boogeyman.  Whether it be from a shitty horror movie, an episode of The Real Ghostbusters, or childhood tales spread amongst your classmates when you were younger, you all know about the boogeyman.

This week we delve into the myths behind this nightmare and discuss similar beings in different cultures.

Boogidy boogidy BOO!


Direct download: 248.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 1:48pm PST


I hope I pronounced that correctly.  If an army of Deadites storms through your door and slaughters your loved ones, please accept my apologies.

So this week, the dreaded Necronomicon is the subject of our attention.  Through the mists of time, the truth shrouded in mythology and disguised as fiction, the infamous Al-Azif has remained part of pop-culture.  How much of the fabled tome was created by the author HP Lovecraft?  Is it possible that his fiction might really be a mirror showing the darker reality that hides in the mists of consciousness?

Get those boomsticks ready, kids.  Things could get grim.

Direct download: 247.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 7:26am PST

Hey everyone! This week we are joined by Michael and Michael from The TX Files Podcast. That's right. You have entered the Mike zone. Michael B and Michael C are The TX Files. A podcast about all things strange and bizarre that come out of Texas! UFO sightings, Monsters and even a dash of good old fashion murder and mayhem. If it's happened in Texas, the Mikes cover it. A truly unique show done by a pair of really awesome Mikes. They kick all the asses at their job of exploring the weirdness found in Texas so be sure to check them out. If it's alien abduction or spree killers yer looking for, these guys can help you out by presenting good, solid info as well as a good time!


The TX Files On Itunes

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The TX Files on Twitter


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Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 12:50pm PST

Hey everyone! Do you believe in Miracles? What if you had proof that miracles were real? That they really happened? You would want to spread the word right? That's a perfectly normal reaction. Something so good is meant to be shared! 

Let's say everyone believed you, but yer a proud kinda folk. You wana SHOW people that miracles can happen. How far would you be willing to go? Cut your boobies off? Woah, woah. That's a little rough, calm down. You only have to eat a little poo, drink a little pee. Ya know. The good 'ol fashion 17th century France stuff.

Direct download: 245.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 7:23pm PST

Hello friends! This week we are join by a very special guest paranormal investigator, sensitive, tarot reader, aspiring author, and all around bad ass woman, Ms. Luci Leibfried. Luci was co host of one of earths best paranormal radio shows for 5 years, interviewing the top names in the field and investigating some of the most haunted places known to man.Please join us as we welcome her back to the show to discuss what shes been up to, her future plans and much more!

Tarot Readings with Luci

Direct download: 244.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 9:25am PST

We've teased this show a couple times over the past month, but the moment has finally arrived.  

Ladies and Gentlemen, Angels and Demons, this week we welcome Jon-Paul Capece to The What Cast to discuss theology, demonology, the apocrypha and other assorted goodies.  This was a show we had been looking forward to doing for a couple months now, we've even had a couple listeners write in to request that we extend an invite to Jon.  

Whoever those listeners are, take a bow.  This was a great show, and we very much enjoyed our conversation with Jon.

Find Jon's Podcast here!

Rhode Island Demonological Society

Direct download: 243.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 4:36pm PST

Hello, friends.
This week we delve into our back catalogue to present you with a show that we did back in our first year.  Some how, some way, we were able to get the former Defense Minister of Canada, Paul Hellyer to come on and talk about his book The Money Mafia, which was new at the time. For some reason, this show seemed to fly under the radar.  Since there is a lot of great information presented here, we thought we would re-release it for all of those people that missed it the first time around, or for new listeners to the show.
Please forgive the audio quality.  As was mentioned, this was recorded in our first year as a show.  We still had no clue what we were doing, we were using crappy old mics and we were kind of in awe that Paul Hellyer, the highest ranking Government official to ever come out and talk about UFOs, agreed to come on what was then, a dumpy little podcast.
We hope you enjoy.  New content next week!


Find his book HERE
Direct download: 342.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 11:10am PST

Over the weekend, the Bilderberg Group had their annual meeting. This year the event took place in Turin, Italy.  It should be noted that Evil Time Traveling Barack Obama was suspiciously missing from the roster of participants.  Was it a bit of misdirection or is ETTBO above this sort of thing?  

This week, in honor of this momentous occasion, we decided to give a brief history on the Bilderberg group and then get into the agenda for this year's meeting.  The agenda points are wonderfully vague, leaving lots of room for speculation, and speculate, we did!

Direct download: build.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 1:07pm PST

You ever hear footsteps when no one else is around?  Ever get that unsettling feeling that you're being watched?  Ever have a portal open up in your home revealing a mass of blue fire and have a horned demon spit some lung better at you?  
Well John Eagan has and he wrote a book about it.  He also was kind enough to come on board the Dread Ship What Cast and talk about his experience and what he gained from it.

Brace yourselves, kids, you may not be so quick to discount that creak you heard on the stairs after listening to this one!

Direct download: johneagen.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 4:03pm PST

Ever have the feeling that maybe something watches over you while you sleep, invading your dreams, filling your mind with unspeakable horrors? Have you ever experienced sleep paralysis and found a shadowy being looming over you?  You're not alone my friend, these things happen.
This week we had a special guest join us on the show.  Mike's cousin, Shane, came on board the Dreadship What Cast to speak about his spooky experiences that began when he was a child continued into adulthood.  Because of these experiences, we also refer back to Mateo's horrifying encounter with a toothed shadow being and the sleep paralysis phenomenon.

Don't worry. It's still safe to go to sleep, but you might not want to open your eyes if you wake up in the middle of the night.


Thanks For Listening!

Direct download: shane.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 9:05am PST

For those that are unaware, CERN is the center of a number of conspiracy theories.  Everything from human sacrifice to contact with alternate dimensions can be found at CERN.  You want to know about portals to other worlds?  Visit CERN!  Weaponized black holes?  CERN's got 'em!  Alien technology?  You bet your ass, CERN is using it!

Basically, this episode should be about CERN, but for some reason Planet of the Squids keeps coming up.  Maybe it's by design, maybe it's a part of the grand conspiracy. Maybe ETTBO has been tampering with our equipment and minds and this muddled mess is what we're left with.

Watch Video Here:



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Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 12:07pm PST

Greetings friends! This weeks episode, we revisit the extremely creepy subject of The Missing 411. We came across a newish documentary that focuses on children that have gone missing in national parks. Join us as we cover some other odd cases as well as a few from the documentary. This one gets a bit creepy. A child going missing in a national park is understandable. A child vanishing into thin air as they walk behind a tree, never reappearing on the other side of said tree, is not.


Direct download: 411miss.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 11:10pm PST

There are a lot of mysteries and conspiracy theories surrounding the moon.  Did we ever REALLY land on the moon?  If so, were Buzz Aldrin and Neal Armstrong REALLY the first?  Is there a secret space program that the public has not been told about?  Is the moon really a space station of aliens?  IS THE MOON MADE OF CHEESE?!

This week, we expand on our previous moon episode and get into a lot more weirdness.  Maybe the moon is not really what you think it is...

Weird Moon Stuff

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Direct download: 236.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 2:42pm PST

So far, we have covered the Mothman, Dogman, Goatman and lizard men.  Just when you thought we were done with animal-based men, The What Cast proudly brings to you, BUNNY MAN!

In this episode, we cover the origins of the Bunnyman myth, talk about the creepypastas, Bunnyman Bridge and breakdown whether or not this is a real man, or just a pretend man...ya know, like Alexx.

Inquire within for some aloe, that's a pretty bad burn.


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Thanks for listening!!

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Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 10:59am PST

This week, we welcome Martin Adil-Smith back to the show. To be completely honest with you guys, we had a very different show planned, but after almost 2 hours of discussion we never ended up getting to the point.  Instead, we discussed politics and conspiracies against the common man. YOU ARE BEING CONTROLLED!


Part 2:

Direct download: martin234.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 11:06am PST

Whenever we talk about alien abductions, they never sound like a fun time.  It's all poking and prodding and stabbing and cutting and implanting.  Unless you're into sadomasochism, this does not sound like a good time, at all.

This week, we would like to tell the other side of the tale.  The sexy side.  There is a documentary that came out recently called Love and Saucers, which tells the story of David Huggins and his time as the love toy for a strange alien woman that visited him throughout his life.

Maybe this alien abduction thing isn't so bad after all...

 In space, no one can hear you moan.


Direct download: 233.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 11:23am PST

Hey there, hi there, ho there!  Welcome back to the What Cast!
Have you ever felt like maybe you don't belong on this planet?  Do you have memories of a past life? Are you an alien consciousness beamed into a human baby named Boris?  
Ok, admittedly, that last question is oddly specific.  
So this week, we are discussing the claims made about Boris Kipriyanovich, a Russian child (now a 21 year old man), that claims he is actually a being from the Martian civilization who's consciousness now resides in the body of an earth human.

Crazy claim, I know.  Is it real?  Is this more evidence that reincarnation is real or is this an example of what happens when parents support the delusions of a child?  I certainly don't know, but we are going to talk about it.


Direct download: 232.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 8:44am PST

Over the course of the show's history, we have covered a lot of stories involving monsters, cryptids, demons, and aliens.  While these things are weird, freaky and scary, it is important to remember that the natural world we live is not exempt from monstrous inhabitants.

Sometimes we overlook ordinary animals when thinking about monsters, but this week's episode will remind you that the natural world is, indeed, full of blood-thirsty, man-eating beasts.

Youtube: Enter WHAT at check out and get 15% off your order!
Direct download: 231.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 3:38pm PST

When we say Creepypasta, we aren't talking about haunted lasagna (unfortunately).  We are referring to the millions and millions of spooky internet stories that are out there.  Think of them like urban legends for the new millennium.

This week, we are going to go into some stories that might have taken on a life of their own in the real world.

All that being said, if you have any stories of possessed rigatoni or spectral ravioli, please let us know! 


Direct download: goodoffake.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 2:16pm PST

LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, BOYS AND GIRLS, The What Cast podcast proudly brings to you the NEW TAG TEAM CHAMPIONS OF THE WOOOORRRRRRRLD...Mike and...Mateo?!  What the Hell?  That doesn't seem right...


Well, this week, we decided to do something a little different.  As long time listeners are aware, we frequently cover the weird, the fantastical, the bat-shit crazy, but every now and then, we like to delve into the world of conspiracy theories.

Some of you nerds out there are likely aware that we are currently on the Road to Wrestlemania. While the Show of Shows may be a few weeks away, we decided to whet your appetite with some WWE (WWF) conspiracies.

Enjoy the show and remember:  He's just a sexy boy, but he's not your boy toy.

Direct download: 229.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 1:51pm PST

Friends, gather around.  This week we welcome author Jennifer Place to the show.  Jen is an author of 4 books.  Her latest, Building 51, is a horror novel based on an old mental hospital in the Hudson Valley.  We discuss the brutal history of mental institutions and the horrors of the early days of psychiatric "care".

Please go check out Building 51, it's a great read!

Find Jen's book HERE

She is on TWITTER too!

Direct download: jen.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 11:53am PST

For all of you guys that are UFO geeks, like us, you'll be familiar with Bill Birnes.  He was one of the main guys on UFO Hunters and has also appeared on Unsealed: Alien Files and Ancient Aliens.

Mike had the opportunity to go and listen to him speak at the end of February.  We recorded this episode immediately following this speaking engagement.  This show is full of information presented by Bill Birnes on the history of the UFO cover-up, beginning in the 1940s.  

This is definitely a show for all the UFO nerds that listen.  If you're more interested in ghosts or bigfoot sex stories, go check out some of our past episodes.

Direct download: 227.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 3:27pm PST

Long time listeners will be familiar with Mike's theory that most paranormal activity can be explained by another dimension coming into contact with our own.  In the past, we have discussed this at length.  Places like The Skinwalker Ranch in Utah and Cannock Chase in the UK are perfect examples of why this might be the case.
Today, we bring you another example from the state of Connecticut.  It all started with an event referred to as the Eichler's Cove Poltergeist, but later extended to include UFOs and cattle mutilations in the surrounding area.  Do these events, combined with other cases of hauntings and possession prove that there may be a dimensional breach in Connecticut?
If you ask Mike, he will probably lean that way, but he is just some asshole on the internet.

What say you, dear listener?

Thanks For Listening!

Visit and enter the code WHAT at check out and get 15% off!

Interdimensional Universe

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Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 12:52pm PST

What would you do if you realized, one day, that the shooting pain in your leg/arm/taint was not a result of old age and the ravages of time, but actually a strange object that you were clueless about?

This week we discuss the documentary, Patient 17, which details the last patient Dr. Lear worked with before his death.  The details of what was found in this individual's body is pretty shocking and may provide very important evidence regarding the existence of intelligent life outside of our solar system.

Is the proof that alien abductions are real?  

The answer is a resounding...maybe.

Thanks for Listening!


Direct download: 225.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 12:36pm PST

Just like your mom, the Titanic went down. Everybody knows the story. Unsinkable ship crashes into a huge ice mountain in the North Atlantic, water floods the ship and it sinks to the ocean floor.

What if that story was a fabrication? What if the Titanic sinking was part of a sinister plan?

Maybe Leonardo DiCaprio didn't have to die.

Direct download: 234.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 3:47pm PST

We've talked a lot on this show about various archetypes in the paranormal world. Patterns, symptoms and sightings all seem to have similarities from one place to another.

It should come as no surprise that tales of the ghost of a crying woman are reported around the world. Depending on the locale, this ghost can act as a frightening warning or a terrifying messenger of death.

This week we look into the legends of this crying ghost lady and seek to uncover just why she is so Damn sad.

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Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 11:48am PST

There's been a lot of talk in the news of UFOs lately.  Some are claiming that disclosure is imminent.  We are on the cusp of holding hands with our space brothers and finally acknowledging their existence!  Right?

Probably not.  What if this whole thing is one big psyop?  All of this recent talk of disclosure and leaked Government footage and documents could be leading us down the wrong path.  Are we being distracted?  Is all of this information being presented to us for the purpose of manipulating our beliefs?  Are the Powers That Be hoping to turn us all into Paul Bennewitz? 

I happen to think so, and I'm gonna talk about it!
Thanks For Listening!
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Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 7:23am PST

Recently, Bigfoot seems to have another cryptid encroaching upon his territory.  A fearsome canine beast with the head of a wolf and the body of furry man.  This creature has become lovingly known as Dogman.  

We've covered modern sightings of the Dogman in the past, so this week we wanted to jump in the WAYBACK MACHINE and see how far into human history the Dogman goes.  What we've found, may surprise you.

So... without further interruption, we present to you TALES OF THE ANCIENT DOGMEN!

Thanks for listening!

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Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 2:54pm PST

This week, we are joined by a special guest, Mr. Gary Parker. Gary asked himself a question? How could he bring humanity together? What type of project could he possibly come up with that would turn the worlds eyes to one single thing, all at once. Gary decided that trying to restore the Great Pyramids and the Sphinx could be something that would re-light the imagination of everyone. A project all nations could get behind and join together to accomplish. Who would support this project? Could it truly be done? Was this the right choice? How could he know? Well. It says so. Right on the pyramids themselvs.

In prep for this massive undertaking, Gary found something interesting while looking at NASA images of Giza. What he found has blown the minds of many Egyptologist, Rabbis and Priests alike. Join us as Gary tells us of his findings, and the strange incidents that have taken place since discovering these hidden messages.

Gary's Images And Bio

Direct download: 220.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 9:10pm PST

Hey's like the 90s all over again! No, grunge is not making a comebacks, but we are here to talk about vampires again!

This time around we talk about 2 of the earliest known cases of vampires in history. See? We keep shit fresh, unlike those crusty old vampires.
Thanks for listening!
Direct download: 219.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 3:19pm PST

Hey everyone! This week, we are joined by a special guest! Alex is part of an all-things-paranormal investigative team with one of the best channels on YouTube. Ghosts, Urban exploration, cryptids, myths; you name it, Alex dose it. 

We sit down and talk about his life in the paranormal, what investigation life is like and some of the heart stopping things he encounters.

Thanks for listening and be sure to check out Alex's channel HERE

Direct download: 218.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 3:18pm PST