The What Cast

hey everyone and to those who celebrate, Marry Christmas! This episode, we found an interest subject to cover, but in true Mike fashion, he debunked the entire thing 10 minutes before we went on. Moreover, his computer took a dump mid recording, so that was fun too, but who cares?! Join us as we talk about the totally fake “Organism 46B”, LIVE PD Jesus and read some show suggestions. Thank you very much for listening, we hope you have a great holiday and send all left over pie to Mike co/ The What Cast. 

Direct download: 307.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 1:36am PST

Hey everybody sorry for the delay. This week we are talking about the Big Gray Man of Scotland. Is it a ghost? Is it a spirit of the mountains? Is it a Cryptid? Going by witness accounts the answer is yes. Join us as we talk about the first and most famous reports of encountering a big gray man.

Direct download: 306.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 4:58pm PST

Got a hankering for mothman, goblinoids, black helicopters, and secret murder cults?  Well then season 2 of Hellier might be just what you need!


This week we discuss the first 4 episodes of the 2nd season.  Do be wary, we are talking spoilers, so if you’ve not watched it, this is your warning.


Go check it out on Amazon Prime!

Direct download: helll.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 10:15am PST

What? You think we'd leave you to drive to grandma's alone?

Have a great Thanksgiving!


Direct download: 305.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 4:01am PST

It’s been a bit since we’ve had a guest on the show.  We decided to remedy that.

This week we welcome Theresa from Theresa’s Haunted History of the Tri-State to join us to talk about what got her started investigating, her haunted past and her blog. 

Thank you, once again, Theresa, for agreeing to joing us!

Read all about Theresa’s spooky adventures at her blog:

Direct download: 304.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 5:17pm PST

After a week off, we really wanted to come out swinging.  We wanted something weird, something scary, something that would be interesting to our dear listeners.  I think we found it!


This week we take a look at the story of the Union Scream House.  This house, and the events that have gone on seem to have a bit of Amityville flair with an added helping of demonic possession, just for kicks.  The Union Scream House seems to be a place where the walls between our world and the unknown are breaking down, allowing entities from beyond to enter into our world and terrify families of those who enter the seemingly innocent home. 


As we all know, these places are not areas to mess around with.  Let’s settle in and find out what happened, shall we?

Direct download: 303.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 12:24pm PST

Alright guys.  It’s Halloween, which means it’s time for The What Cast annual Spooky-Scare-a-thon-a-palooza.  This year, Mike has decided he is going to try and summon the demon Stolas to help aid his favorite Time Lord (and yours!), Evil Time Traveling Barack Obama.  Mateo, be rightfully fearful of such things interrupts the ritual and tries to warn Mike about the dangers of summoning the evil denizens of Hell.

As always, we hope you enjoy.  If you enjoy the show, please feel free to leave us a nice review on iTunes, or tell you friends and family to tune in, or just download every episode on every device you own and then listen to every video on youtube and then, just to be safe, download every episode a second time.  Or, you know, just keep on living your life, man.


Smarte Demon Story

The Devil Game Story

Direct download: halloweenDONE.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 11:32am PST

Hey everybody! This week we talk about gargoyles. We all know what gargoyles are. We’ve seen them all over the place growing up. We’ve seen them in TV shows, movies and even comic books but has anybody seen a real, living monster of stone, up close and in person? You would be surprised! Join us as we cover a couple cases of supposed gargoyle sightings and attacks!


NASA Sighting

Gargoyles In Texas

More Sightings

Even More Sightings

Yet Another Sighting

Direct download: gar.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 9:32am PST

Hey everyone! This week we cover something a little bit different, that is if you don’t consider evil personified paranormal. This week, we talk about some new details regarding the murderous career of Sam Little, who is turning out to be the most brutal serial killer in US history. With a body count that keeps climbing, a photographic memory and not lying about any of his crimes yet, Sam Little may be earths most dangerous man. Sorry Ken Shamrock. We also get into a discussion about the Butcher Baker. This guy was not a candlestick maker.

Direct download: killers.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 6:29pm PST

When last we left our intrepid heroes, it was revealed that Mike's consciousness was trapped inside the old time machine from episode #200. Mateo is now on a mission to retrieve Mike's body and once again bring unity to the Mike.

We join them as the the journey continues...


This episode was made possible by:

Audra S

Celesta P.
Erik J
Kristina S.
Isaac B.
Jeni F.
Jen & Arron P.
Kim P.
MIke B.
Mike S.
John R.
Shane B.
David T.
Thank you!
Direct download: a3.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 4:08pm PST

Well it looks like everything has come to a head. Mike going missing for a spell. Constant technical issues. Deleted episodes. Bad gas. All of it. 

This is what was recorded during our attempt at the Human Mutilation episode. The events were so traumatic, so devastating, that it will need to be broken up into 3 parts for publishing do to the condition our equipment is now in.

This is part 1.

Part 2 is available now to Patreons. 

For our safety, we will delay the public release of parts 2 and 3 until next week, when we will be certain other threats will be eliminated.

We are fine. We are alive and we will not stop.

Happy 300th episode

Direct download: act1DONETOFIN.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 10:10am PST

Picture this:  You’re relaxing after a stressful work day, kicked back in your recliner, adorned in your jammies, waiting for Matlock to start.  Suddenly, the entire neighborhood begins to tremble as you hear what sounds like and explosion in your living room.  The weird part?  There was no explosion and no explanation for the sound or tremors.


Unnerving, to say the least!


This week we take a look at mystery booms and “Sky quakes”.  Are these things caused by natural phenomena that occur in the earth and atmosphere?  Are they hargingers of an impending alien invasion?  Perhaps a top secret government construction project?


Give a listen and let us know what you think is behind this most mysterious mystery.

Direct download: 299.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 4:17pm PST

The life of an archaeologist is not always as glamorous as Indiana Jones movies might have you believe. For every amazing discover there are thousand if examples of broken pottery and shell fossils. 

Then there are those times when something is uncovered that seems to prove that evil exists in men across the centuries. Pits filled with cannibalized babies, skeletons nailed to their coffins, and secret stashes of severed hands are just some examples of the horrors that have been uncovered.
This week we discuss some of the more terrifying finds.
Thanks for listening!
Direct download: 298.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 6:04pm PST

Hey all! This week we are joined by our pal JG to talk about this years Silicon Valley Comicon as well as a few of the things we were going to cover a Podcast Palooza such as a comic book artist who's stories predict the future, real life sightings of superheros and the Spiderman/Disney/Marvel drama. 

Thanks for listening and thank you JG!

Embrace the nerdiness, friends!
Direct download: 297.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 6:14pm PST

Guys…I’m gonna be honest, we didn’t have a plan this week.  It’s the end of Summer, our kids are gearing up for another year at school, Mike is dealing with kids return back to college, Mateo has had to fight a particularly nasty duo of ostriches that are hellbent on using his toilet, for some reason.  I dunno, man.  Listen, it’s a busy time of year for us and we could not find any spare time to research something for this show this week.  Rather than not skipping a week, we decided to just turn on the mics and see what happens.  It ended up being another talk about disclosure and reviewing released military UFO footage.  Tangents abound in this one, kids.

Please forgive us!  We loved youuuuuuu!

Mexican Air Force UFO

Direct download: 296.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 12:51pm PST

Hey everybody! We hope your week is going well! This episode we are joined by our friend Karen! She is a sensitive, paranormal experiencer, kick ass artist and a Witch. No, you read that right. An honest to goodness Witch. 

She was nice enough to sit with us and tell us about what spawned her abilities, where they come from and what it’s like to hone such skills such as cleansing, making wards and telling Death it’s self to take a walk. 

Be sure to give her a follow!

Thank you Karen for coming on and thank you for listening!

Direct download: 295.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 3:56pm PST

What’s up, goons?

This week we did something a little bit different.  Since The Silicon Valley Comicon is coming up, we decided to shoot the breeze about that and comics in general.  We then take a sharp left turn and talk about the notorious murderer H.H. Holmes.  How do these things go together?  They don’t.  Not at all.  Did we land the transition between the subject?  Probably not.  We never claimed to be professionals, guys!


At the time of this recording, The What Cast was scheduled to participate in the Podcastpalooza event.  This, most unfortunately, is no longer taking place?  Was it due to behind the scenes tampering by the Reptoids and Barn owls?  Was Mateo having a diva moment because they refused to give him a bowl of skittles?  Was it a lack of communication leading to bridges that will burn into infinity?  You’ll never know, but ETTBO knows.  He aaaaaalways knows!

Direct download: 294.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 1:18pm PST

When you think about someone summoning demons, you don't typically think of a devout follow of God.  Yet, God sent an angel to give King Solomon a magical ring to bind demons to do his will.
This week we decided to cover the legend of King Solomon and discuss his history and the story told within the Testament of Solomon.
Also please forgive Mateo's voice. He was pulling double duty and was recording a certain shark related video for a certain adult website. Certain things put a strain on one's voice, ya know?
Direct download: 293.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 7:47pm PST

You know those cheesy after-school specials where they have kid actors that are “just like you” going through horrible and traumatic reenactments of possible tragedies?  Usually they involve drugs, or drinking and driving, maybe a little unprotected sex.  The one thing they missed out on was the PSA on Ouija board usage. 


Basically, don’t mess with a tool that can contact the dead as though it were the latest version of Barbie Fashion Fun House.  Sheesh!  Do you want to catch a serious case of the demons?!


This week, we decided to talk about the origins of the Ouija board and get into some cases where a person became the vessel to house a less than benevolent spirit. 


So after listening, you should all be aware of the dangers that await those who carelessly use a Ouija board.  Don’t be that guy!

Direct download: 292.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 11:35am PST

This week we decide to take a look at crazy UFO cases that happen outside the confines of the United States. It's International UFO sighting across the world but also kind of America day.

So this week we take a look at a UFO crash in Russia and the famous Japanese sighting over Alaska.
It's a crazy world out there, made crazier by UFOnauts.
Thanks for listening
Direct download: 291.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 7:26pm PST

Do you believe in reincarnation?

 It’s a topic that we’ve discussed many times in the past, but there are some stories that are so compelling that they need to be discussed and speculated on.  This week, we have such a story for you.  Was Dorothy Eady a reincarnated Egyptian priestess?  If not, how can we rationally explain the significant discoveries that were found based on her past-life memories?

Tune-in, maybe you’ll find out!

Thanks For Listening!

Direct download: 290.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 12:40pm PST

Dragons! Sounds cool right?! NO! Fire breathing dinosaurs do not sound like a good time. None the less, history has a few stories of people facing them and kicking their ass. We know, we know. "Dragons were not real!" Oh yeah there were. And they hate bras. Like they should.

From St. George to modern day encounters, join us as we talk about Dragons!


Direct download: 289.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 5:19pm PST

There seems to be an uptick in the amount of coverage the UFO phenomenon has been getting, lately.  It is now being covered seriously without the X-Files theme song, which is a plus.  All this attention leaves us wondering why this is happening now.  We know that the mainstream media is backed my massive corporations that often have ties to military contractors.  Is this new attention being used as a distraction, or are their more nefarious reasons behind it?


This week, we talk about the current state of UFO disclosure, To the Stars Academy, and the Government Mirage men.

Thanks For Listening!


Direct download: 288.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 3:43pm PST

Demonic possessions have been discussed time and time again.  We are all familiar with the famous cases and they’ve been covered many many times.  This week, we wanted to try a different take and decided to look at people that committed murder under the influence of an evil entity.  We also discuss the aspects of mental illness and drug use and how it may relate to cases of possession.


For our patrons, we have a special bonus episode getting into some weird shit regarding David Berkowitz that doesn’t get discussed enough.  Check it out at


Thanks for listening.  Keep those demons out ya head!

Direct download: allthatpaz.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 8:46am PST

We finally got back to it, kids!  It’s been a long time coming, but we finally got there.  This week, we reprise the discussion we had back in episode 1.  Not the awkward parts.  Specifically, we are going to discuss the Dyatlov Pass incident and discuss updates, theories and talk a bit about the investigation being reopened. 


So with all this new information, what do you think was behind the deaths of the 9 hikers?  WRONG! It was a yeti with a vendetta.  Don’t fuck with Siberian yetis.  You’ll have a bad time.



Direct download: 286.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 10:15am PST

So, I found Mike. It turns out he wasn't even missing. He explains what happened and then we talk about other weird happenings that have been taking place with both of us. 

Things are pretty weird 'round these parts

It’s a hair short. We were just glad to have made contact and wanted to update you all. Everything’s back on track! Mikes ok!!

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Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 7:02pm PST

Greetings, all.


This week is kind of weird.  I couldn’t get in touch with Mike for days, and I’ve still not heard from him.  He left me a weird message about going away for a bit, which will be played in its entirety at the end of the episode.  I’m not sure where to go from here, but we have a few episodes that we’ve recorded already and we will be releasing them over the next couple weeks.  If he doesn’t get back to me by then, I’ll post something letting you guys know about the future of the show.


This week’s episode is one that we release exclusively to our patrons over at  Since I haven’t had time to edit any of the other shows, I figured I would just release this show along with the recording Mike sent in.  On this episode we covered the Teresita Basa case and talk about ghosts that seek out justice from beyond the grave.


I hope you all have a great week.

Direct download: 284.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 11:35am PST

Hey everyone!! Hope your week is going well!

This episode we sat down to talk about an older documentary we watched way back in the day. We half way laughed it off not knowing what to make of it but it’s subject matter seems more relevant now more than ever. Interdimensional beings? Try "Holographic Beings" Join us as we take a second look at:
Thanks For Listening!
Direct download: 283.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 12:44pm PST

There is a furry beast that lives in the rural areas of Wisconsin. The nature of this beast is disputed. Is it a wayward bear? A massive wolf? Dogman? A were-cougar? BIGFOOT?! Despite the differing descriptions, the reports continue.

This week we look into The Beast of Bray Road and his hairy companions all over the rural areas of the great state of Wisconsin.
Lost Boy:
Direct download: 282.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 6:06pm PST

Hey guys!

This week, we take a turn for the weird with a few cases of some creep shit people have seen fling in the sky. No no no no, not UFOs. Creepier. Sausages? God, no that's not even creepy. That sounds like a dream come true, but that's besides the point. Birds, they belong in the sky. Snakes do not. Oh look at you now. Not creepy enough. Let us introduce you to what rattled airmen could only call "a flying bear fish."

Direct download: 280.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 3:54pm PST

Alien abductions are always an interesting topic.  We’ve covered them in various forms over the years and most of what we have covered seem to come from within the borders of the United States.  This time around, we decided to take a gander Down Under and see what manner of insanity the Australian aliens bring to the table. 


One thing to bear in mind, Australia is the ONLY place in the world that has a native population of wild kangaroos.  This may be a bit too convenient for my liking.


Do with that what you will.  In the meantime, enjoy our take on Australian Abductions *queue the awesome digeridoo space music* 

Direct download: cacapoopoopeepeeday.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 2:50pm PST


Synchronicity seams to be the big thing nowa days. Some people see synchronicities as funny little things that just happen. Some folks take them as messages from beyond! Some think they are such strong indicators of proof of the paranormal, they make entire documentaries on them! 
Well Mike wanted more than similarities and coincidences. So he went into hardcore mode. Quit the pills, switched from whiskey to beer and started making some pretty interesting connections to a lot of things that are going on in the world of the paranormal. 
Sit back and listen to Mike shares what dots he connected, how weird it gets and then join us in special celebration for a friend of ours who's been given some pretty awesome news. 
As a side note, Mike worked his smelly, tiny, unwashed pecker off on this show for weeks and in a bit of even more synchronicity, a rather big, much better podcast just released an episode covering the same thing, even hitting on some of the same points that Mike brings up. All similarities were purely coincidental. So send him some love. Give him a pat on the back. Let him know soap will help. It's not the size of the boat, but the motion of the ocean. Maybe go on twitter and send this:  to @lastbonestands?
Direct download: 279.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 1:19pm PST

Remember those pesky goblins in Kentucky?  The ones in Hopkinsville and Hellier? 


What if we told you that these things aren’t just found in Kentucky?  We’ve discussed aliens in relation to the myths of the faerie folk, and I think we can also lump goblins in with that mess.


To further this point, we welcome a lovely young woman from Canada, Jade on to discuss so myths and legends that are part of the lore of the Native Cree people. 


At this point I think we can just admit that the goblins are in league with ETTBO and likely ride around on bioluminescent barn owls.

thank you for listening and thank you Jade!

Direct download: 278.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 12:34pm PST

Hey everyone! We have returned after being forced to take last week off. We ran into some technical issues, but after a few trials and errors, we are back on track.

This week, we sit down and talk about some of the strangest cases to come out of The Vietnam War. 

UFOs? Go bigger. Criptids? Try creatures so weird, we don't know what the hell to call them. 

This episode can be summed up by one phrase: LIZARD WIZARD.

Thanks for listening!

(Join our Patreon today! Sing up for Bonus content, The Sticker Club or The Print Club!)


Direct download: 277.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 1:49am PST

GUYS!  Do you remember the case of the Hopkinsville Goblins?  They were the little gremlin looking things that terrorized a family farm in Kentucky?  Crazy story, right?


Well…things get crazier.  There is a new documentary series on YouTube called Hellier that centers on the mystery of these small entities acting in a similar manner and freaking people out in the small hamlet of Hellier, which is also in Kentucky.  Wanna know what is even weirder?  These events may be tied to the Mothman/Indrid Cold stuff.


Strap in and join us as we discuss the mystery and the series that is Hellier.

watch the doc here:


Direct download: 276.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 11:12am PST

Recently, in the news, there has been coverage of a whale that was found dead in the jungles of Brazil at the mouth of the Amazon river.  The weird thing about this is that the whales should have been in Antarctica this time of year. 
What the Hell was this whale doing?!  
This got us looking into other cases where ocean animals appear on land in place they should not be.
Mike also talks about a couple of mysterious plane crashes that appear to suggest that the planes ended up somewhere they were not supposed to be and arrived there by strange means.
thanks for listening!
Direct download: 275.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 2:21pm PST

Remember when you were a kid and your friend got a Ouija board and you guys stayed up late to try and summon ghosts at midnight?  Some how, the planchette moved and no one would admit that they moved it, so it must have been a ghost, right?
What if it was really you and your friends that created the ghost you were communicating with? 
This week we take a look at the Philip Experiment and delve into the notion of tulpas and thought forms.  
Here's a thought to consider...What if Mike and Mateo are just thought forms in your mind's eye?
Thanks for listening!
Video From the Philip Experiment
More Info:
Direct download: philex.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 10:01am PST

What is a "ghost"?  We've talked many times about various theories on what exactly a "ghost" could be.  If "ghosts" are not the left over energies from a deceased human being,  then why do they seem to linger around areas where murders or brutal battles took place?
This week, we take a look at some stories involving true crimes that resulted in a haunted location.  Is it a magical murder cult trapping souls all over the world?  Demons that are drawn to profound suffering that decided to stick around?  Just what should we do with these spectrally charged areas of our world?  Mateo things we should burn them to the ground.  Mike thinks Mateo should just move in and relaaaaaax, maaaaaan.
Direct download: 273.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 11:40am PST

Guys, we've talked about personal ghost stories before.  Mateo's late night Easter Bunny visits, Mike's weird pale ghost figure, shadow people, unnatural fear, all of that.  This week, we are talking about strange experiences at Mateo's mom's house.  You see, dear listener, this house seems to be a highway for wayward spooks and maybe time travelers.  
Is ETTBO paying personal visits to Mateo's mom?  Let's hope not, but there is a chance we will have a Maury Povich style paternity test prepared for ETTBO once we get to episode #400.
Knife Found:
Knife IDed:
Direct download: mom2.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 6:05pm PST

Hey guys.

Today we are going to take a massive shit in your cereal and debunk the Black Knight satellite. Well, at least those really cool pictures that look like a neat spaceship. We also talk about the possible alien space probe, Oumuamua.

Sorry for the quirks in Mike's sound. Never before have our efforts been so bluntly thwarted by ETTBO. Alas, we prevail. Although, not unscathed.

Direct download: blk.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 3:55pm PST

Everyone knows the story of the Hook or has heard the tale of the babysitter getting calls from inside the house.  To many, these are just stories used to scare careless teenagers into behaving themselves or remaining cautious.  
What if these stories had some actual truth, some basis of reality behind them?  What if these aren't just scary stories to tell in the dark, but actual events that hold a real life warning?
This week, on The What Cast, we get into the reality behind some of your favorite classic urban legends.
Direct download: 270.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 1:20pm PST

Guess who's back!? Bob Lazar is sticking to his guns in a new documentary after keeping quiet since the 90's. Join us as we re visit one of the most credible UFO related stories of all time. Time machines, green men and human milkshakes? No, not this time. This time, just some good ol testimony from a whistle blower who only talked in the first place to safe his own life.

Thanks for listening!


Direct download: 269.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 7:48pm PST

Everyone knows about the Rendlesham forest incident.  There have been plenty of shows and books covering these events.  Recently, a group of British soldiers came out to claim it was all a hoax perpetrated by them, done to prank the Yanks on the base. 
Is this what really happened?  
Can this explain the events that happened in 1980?  
If so, how can you explain an earlier event that happened near the base in the 50s?  
This week, we discuss the ins and outs of the Rendlesham Forest incident.
Go buy some Sudio headphones!
use word WHATCAST at check out and save 15%
Direct download: 268.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 12:52pm PST

Hey Folks! Thanks for listening to The What Cast! This week we talk about some of the dark secrets that surrounds the happiest place on earth. Sure, Mickey Mouse and $7 pineapple spears are cool but when you add strange deaths, ghosts and even involvement in UFO disclosure, the frase "Disney Magic" may have a literal tinge to it.

Thank you for listening and a special thank you to our Patreon supports. 

Direct download: 267.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 7:00pm PST

Hey kids. Thanks for coming back. We hope you all had a delightful holiday season. 

This week, we don't have a weird topic to discuss because we bring you announcements.

We've been at this thing a while, and after many kind suggestions, we decided to finally open up a Patreon. So this episode is us discussing the finer details. The Patrion will be live Friday. 

As an added bonus, we decided to do some more Cryptids fantasy booking. 


Direct download: newpat.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 4:20pm PST