Wed, 27 December 2017
Ladies, gentlemen, children of all ages...The What Cast proudly brings to you a tale of paranormal! A story filled with horror and dread so thick, it'll choke those that hear with a primal fear!
Mon, 25 December 2017
So the storm has come and gone. The kids are mesmerized by modern gadgetry, everyone has scattered to the mall as fast as they can to return they shit you gave them. You? Not you. There is a 50/50 chance you smoked yer breakfast and you wouldn't mind hearing about some Christmas creatures. too..... Happy Holidays! |
Wed, 20 December 2017
What is up, kiddies? This week we have a magical treat for you! We are joined by writer/director/producer Dallas Morgan to discuss his film, Sightings, and the ideas he presents in the film. Basically, we shot the shit about UFOs and Bigfoot for a while.So, sit back and enjoy! When you're done, got watch the movie!
Wed, 13 December 2017
Do you believe in the legendary continent of Atlantis? There is a long history of speculation relating to the existence of this fabled land. First mentioned by Plato, the stories and speculation surrounding this ancient island have taken on a life of their own. If Atlantis did exist, as mentioned by Plato, it would have been a great civilization that predated Mesopotamia by thousands of years. This would re-write everything modern scholars know about our ancient past.With several discoveries appearing showing that there may be something to the idea of a civilization swallowed by both time and the ocean, it might be time to rethink the whole Atlantis thing. |
Wed, 6 December 2017
Astronauts are kind of cool, right? I mean, they get to go to space, walk around, see the sights, run from hostile alien crafts...That's the life. Today we go over encounters with strange phenomena experienced by astronauts, as well as potential conspiracies and cover-ups. Then again...maybe they are just disinfo agents with a really cool hobby. Thanks For Listening!
Tue, 28 November 2017
Once again, we find ourselves back in rural Tennessee. No longer concerned with the Bell Witch, we now face the dreaded White Screamer! *queue ominous music* What was the White Screamer? Was it a murderous ninja? A ghost with a penchant for slaughter? A wildman with a taste for the macabre? Maybe it was an albino werewolf, slaking its thirst on the townsfolk.Whatever it was, it's creepy and homicidal and LOOK! IT'S OUTSIDE UNDER THE STREETLIGHT!!! Thanks Josh!! |
Wed, 15 November 2017
Do you guys remember that classic Wes Craven film The Hills Have Eyes? It was pretty creepy and disturbing, was it not? Did you know that the idea for this film was based on a (possibly) true story? Pretty messed up, right? The real story had nothing to do with mutants living in the desert, but did have a lot to do with murder, cannibalism and probably incest. This week, we discuss the legend of Sawney Bean. Scotland's rogue murderous cannibal from the middle ages. Was this an actual true story or just an enduring folk legend? Fucked if we know, but we will let you be the judge. |
Wed, 8 November 2017
Which witch is a witch and which witch isn't? Is the Bell Witch a witch because it claims to be so or is it something more sinister, using the term "witch" since it would be a term the victims would understand?I pity the foo' |
Thu, 2 November 2017
What, you thought that was it for this week? No way! That Halloween stuff was a bonus type deal. This weeks episode is about the dumbest conspiracies that are floating around in the minds of the disturbed, the desperate and the stupid. NASA trying to blow up Jupiter, horrific monsters on Mars, and prep your ears while Mike destroys the flat earth caca doodoo. We hope you had a great and safe Halloween. Thanks for listening you guys! |
Tue, 31 October 2017
Wed, 25 October 2017
We quite often run into bizarre and strange stories that are may be to silly, lack enough information or are just too stupid to fill an entire episode. These goofy jems usually go on uncovered and simply fade from memory. Until now... this episode we cover some of our favorite story of Random Weirdness. |
Wed, 18 October 2017
In the mythology of many different cultures and religions, images and stories of angelic beings are commonplace. Do angels really exist? Do they still interact with humanity? If so, what are they exactly? This week we discuss cases where angels appear before man or confront someone in a dream. Are these visions a reality or were they concocted in the minds of men? Rose Benvenuto |
Wed, 11 October 2017
The What Cast #207 - Abduction, experimentation and Intergalactic Love Making: The Stan Romanek Story
hey everybody and thank you for listening to the what cast this week we are talking about the documentary extraordinary: the stan romanek story stan romanek is a long time proponent of ufo abduction, experimentation and more since 2000. over the years he has compiled almost limitless video and photographic evidence all of which are featured in the documentary. with recent developments all this evidence may amount to nothing, true contactee? con artist? the conclusion is shocking |
Fri, 6 October 2017
Hey everyone!
Look at these no show havin, good for nothin pigs. It’s true. We have been dragging a lot of ass lately. This week, we sit down and discuss what’s been hanging us up, although, we are sure you will notice why in this recording, what we’ve done to fix it, and ask you, our homies, to share what YOU’D like to hear on the show, plans for the future and more. Thanks for putting up with our technological inadequacies. |
Fri, 29 September 2017
What is the deadliest shape? Going round and round in circles could make you dizzy. The square/rectangle is the shape of a cage or cell. You can get your ass beat in an octagon. The deadliest shape, clearly, is the triangle. For one, it's the shape of an arrow head that could shoot your face or neck. Secondly, it's the shape of weird areas in the world that for some reason swallows ships and planes like a hungry giant. OM NOM NOM This week we talk about a few different triangle shaped areas and the mysteries contained within. What creates these areas? Are they populated by monsters and aliens? Is it some weird magnetic anomaly? Maybe it's just humans seeking patterns within a certain area and then ascribing some strangeness to that area.As always, you be the judge. Show Note: |
Thu, 21 September 2017
When you think of a ghost town, do you typically picture a place abandoned by people, completely empty and tucked away from the civilization? Maybe, instead, you picture a town in which assorted ghosts hang out and conduct their day-to-day ghostly activities away from the prying eyes of humanity. Maybe it's a little of both?Perk up those ear holes, it's time for The What Cast! |
Thu, 14 September 2017
With a recent video allegedly depicting a living Tasmanian Tiger, we thought it would be fun to speculate on other cryptids that might be animals that are thought to be extinct. We talk about everything from the Mothman to Mokele Mbembe, and Mike has new information that will blow the lid off the Nessie phenomenon. Sit back, buckle up and prepare for battle! |
Thu, 7 September 2017
You know what guys? Occasionally, and I DO mean occasionally, something interesting shows up on the news. This week we watch some clips where a UFO shows up live on the news. We've linked the specific clips in the show notes, so feel free to watch along and yell into your phone/computer/iPod along with us. Enjoy??? Clips:
Thu, 31 August 2017
Hey Everyone! We hope you are having a great week! This episode, we talk about an article with some rather fantastic stories passed down by famous people. Does fame grant credibility? Does a job title automatically make you more believable than others? Join us for some weird shit. |
Fri, 25 August 2017
Hello! Thank for listening to The What Cast! This week, we dive into Cattle Mutilation! From the first reports to the most documented cases, join us as we dive into how creepy this age old phenomenon is! What? "Time Mission"? We have no idea what you are talking about. Shout out to Ray Preston for the Dulce footage link! |
Thu, 17 August 2017
So...when last you listened, we were being sent into the past. We done fucked up. As we pick up this week, our heroes need to find a way to get things working so that they can save the future and quite possibly the very fabric of time itself. Pretty big responsibility for 2 nerdy slackers. God help us all.So long as no one tempts the wrath of Mateo in the future...we should all be fine, right? |
Wed, 9 August 2017
Guys...We may have made a mistake. This is our 200th episode and we wanted to do something special and fun. "Special and fun" turned into dangerous and scary very early on. We started out reading some listener comments, kind of like we did in the 100th episode. One particular comment set Mateo off and he harnessed his inner Doc Brown. Now, we are lost in the time-stream and basically fucked. |
Fri, 4 August 2017
Fri, 28 July 2017
Greetingsssss and sssssalutationsssss. It's all things reptoid this week. From conspiracies to aliens and cryptids, we cover a good chunk of reptilian lore. They're everywhere and they want to eat our babies! |
Mon, 24 July 2017
Hello, fellow humans. Our humblest apologies for the lack of show last week. To make it up to you, we will be releasing 2 shows this week.
Thanks for listening |
Wed, 12 July 2017
Ok, so we've mentioned it before, but this time an entire show is devoted to it. The Blemmyea. The man without a head. The man with a face in his chest. The man that isn't a man because he is 12 feet tall and 7 feet wide. |
Wed, 5 July 2017
GUYS! There are two potential explanations for what went down in the 200 Mile Gorge centuries ago in the Nahanni Valley. 1) The most dangerous, spooky/scary, race of giants terrorized the natives in Northwest Canada and just disappeared at the turn of the 19th centuryWho knows? Maybe both are true.
Thu, 29 June 2017
You know, we do a lot of talk about aliens round these parts. Everything from UFOs to abductions. Now what if the alien abductions were not done by aliens but secret government scientists and evil military thugs? |
Wed, 21 June 2017
We've all indulged in the odd fantasy or day dream here and there. Sure, some of you may even take it a little far and end up with a cease and desist order, but who are we to judge? What it you were able to give life to your flights of fancy by imbuing it with will and intent? This week we discuss the topic of tulpas and thought forms. Maybe the UFO phenomenon isn't aliens. Maybe bigfoot is just some lingering memory from the past, given life through legends.Yeah, it sounds strange, but it's not stranger that what you were doing after hours last Tuesday night. |
Fri, 16 June 2017
Today! Tonight? Whenever you are listening to this. It's us, The What Cast! Huzzah!
Thanks For Listening! |
Thu, 8 June 2017
Hello Everyone! This week, we talk about an interesting documentary Called The Curse of The Man Who Sees UFOs. It's about a man. A man who sees a UFO almost every time he looks up at the sky. Don't believe us? COOL, DON'T, but he has hours of footage to prove it. Take a look for it on Netflix. Tell us what you think! |
Wed, 31 May 2017
GIANT SPIDERS?! DINOSAURS?! CAT-DOGS?! TWO NOSED TIGERS?! WHAT I'M THE HECK IS GOING ON?! This week we follow the trail of long lost explorer, Percy Fawcett. Percy was an officer for the British military, and a renowned explorer, that traversed the jungles of Brazil in search of the lost city of Z before mysteriously disappearing into the uncharted wilderness, never to be heard from again. Oh yeah, along the way he reported many strange and unusual animals and believed a lost civilization existed somewhere in the Brazilian jungles. What do you guys think?
Wed, 17 May 2017
Vampires don't exist, right? I mean, sure "vampires" have been keeping Hot Topic open since the late 90's, but REAL vampires never existed... Unless they did...This week we discuss a number of vampire graves found all over the world and talk about other possibilities that might explain the fear behind the treatment of these corpses. Thanks For Listening! |
Thu, 11 May 2017
We all know 'em, we all love 'em, we all wish they were still here. Ok, not all of us. Maybe half of you, and I gata say, that's a sick bunch of people. Surviving zombies, sure, sounds like a good time. Dinosaurs, no thank you. Join us as we revisit one of our most beloved cryptids, Mokele Mbemebe, as well as a few of his counter parts from all over the globe.
Thanks For Listening!
Direct download: The_What_Cast_188_-_Living_Dinosaurs_II.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 12:23pm PST |
Wed, 3 May 2017
Hey everyone! This week we talk about somewhat of a legend, Uri Geller. For over 40 years, he has blown our minds with spoon bending, telepathy and psychic demonstrations. Some of you may remember seeing him on late night TV shows wowing audiences with his "powers". Now we know what yer thinkin; "Hell, I can bend a spoon!" Yes, good Sir/Madame, but can you do it with powers given to you by Aliens?!? Sounds iffy, we know, but just take a listen. There are some shocking things behind this mystic fellow. Like the fact that he may be lagit AF! |
Wed, 26 April 2017
You know, guys, dealing with the subject of the UFO phenomenon and cover-up conspiracies can be dangerous work. Sure, it can be fun to look into cases and fancy yourself a detective as you connect the dots and put the pieces together. Sometimes, however, researchers dig too deep or whistle-blowers provide too much information to the public. It is then that things take a turn and paranoia can take it's hold. This week, Mike and Mateo decided to shine a big, bright spotlight on a good number of cases where researchers, whistle-blowers and those that knew too much about the UFO phenomenon and alien visitation were found dead under strange circumstances. What's the easiest way to shut someone up? Stage a suicide or drug overdose. Easy, right? Unfortunately, now that this episode is complete, we here at The What Cast headquarters have lost contact with Mike and Mateo. We are still investigating, but things are not looking good. Unless they show up soon, we fear the worst. Unless someone out there is a necromancer, this may be the end of The What Cast as we know it... |
Wed, 12 April 2017
Hey there, hi there, ho there! You've reached the What Cast, we are busy exploring the ethereal plain and cannot answer your call right now. In the meantime, please enjoy this episode we recorded with our good friend Brett (AKA The Altered One). We get into astral projection, lucid dreaming, and a special experiment we are doing in conjunction with our dear friend Martin Adil-Smith (check the VIP section of |
Wed, 29 March 2017
Hey everyone! We hope you are having a great week so far! This episode, we talk about UFOs over schools! We had covered a more famous school ufo case a while back, The Zimbabwe UFO Case, but we never got to talk about the most shocking School UFO case ever; The Westall UFO. Thanks for listening, and we hope you enjoy! USE CODE THEWHATCAST |
Wed, 22 March 2017
For long time listeners of the show, you'll all be familiar with our regular culprit of all things paranormal; that being the Barn Owl. Turns out, this might not be the joke we all assumed it was. This week we welcome Mike Clelland on to the show to discuss his book, The Messengers: Owls, Synchronicity, and the UFO abductee. He also shared several of his own experiences with owls and weird synchronicities.Enjoy! |
Wed, 15 March 2017
Hey everyone! Thanks for listening to The What Cast! |
Thu, 9 March 2017
Hey everyone! This week we talk about death! Our fears, our prefreances, as well as share some absolutely strange, tragic and bizarre deaths. So how do you want to go? Probably not by being shot over 40 times by 20 cops because you jumped out and yelled "Boo!" Thanks for listening!
Thu, 2 March 2017
It's the end of we know it? Yes, that's right folks. This week we tackle the Apocalypse of St. John of Patmos, also know as The Book of Revelation. The passage of centuries can take it's toll on any message, and through all the years and translations, it's possible that what we are left with is the end of some historical game of telephone. Either that, or we have man-faced locusts, dragons, and a pair of 7-headed beasts in our future. |
Thu, 23 February 2017
Hey everyone! This week we talk a little (And I mean a little, sorry for the shorter episode.) about the strange things in and around Fort Knox. Fake gold, aliens, dimensional toilet paper and more! Thanks for listening!! |
Wed, 15 February 2017
Here we are, in the cold, uncaring midst of the winter season. Unless you live below the Mason-Dixon line, or in the Southwest, chances are, you're buried under ice and snow and in very real danger of getting mauled by timber wolves and polar bears. With all the being said, we here, at the What Cast thought it would be a perfect time to talk about Antarctica. We even went so far as to reach out to an old friend of the show, Mr. Aldo Poe. After being thawed from the cryo-stasis he had been relegated to, we hooked his brain up to the info-matic 3000 and filled him chock full of information relating to the frozen continent to the South.So here ya go, kids. Antarctican weirdness. Stay warm. |
Wed, 8 February 2017
GUYS! Do you like demonic possession? Maybe I should reword that. It takes an certain special someone to say "FUCK YEAH! DEMONIC POSSESSION RULES! FILL ME UP SATAN!"Anyway...Here's a show we did about the strange possession case. The case of Latoya Ammons and her family's dealing with spooky and demonic happenings. Is she crazy? Is she a religious zealot? Maybe, she was really the victim of demonic fuckery. We tell you the story, you be the judge. Use code CLOUDY for 20% OFF! |
Thu, 2 February 2017
Howdy folks. Are any of you guys superstitious? If you answered in the affirmative, do you know the origins of the superstitions that you are superstitious of, or are you just superstitious for superstitions sake?Anyway, this week we get into the origins behind some of your favorite superstitions. Maybe you'll learn a little something about yourself and get over superstitious superstitionings. Yes, that's a word now. |
Wed, 25 January 2017
Hey everyone and thank you for listening to The What Cast! QUIT SMOKING TODAY! |
Mon, 16 January 2017
Hello, listeners. This is the anonymous force behind these weekly show write-ups. I am aware that there was no show last week, that's why I'm writing this to accompany the early release of the show today. Since we missed the show last week, we figured we would release an early one this week. There were reasons why the show didn't come out last week, but much like Obama, I look ahead. The misdeeds of the past shall remain in the past. If only the legal system saw things in the same way as our former president did...This week we get into the mysterious disappearance of a few of the children in the Sodder family after a fire destroyed their house. Now, before you all go yelling about how they probably burned in a fire, I'd like to stop you. There are some pretty weird facts to this case that rule out melted corpses. Join us as we delve into the mysteries surrounding the Missing Sodder Children. *queue ominous music* |
Thu, 5 January 2017
Greetings. Today we discuss the factual details surrounding the (formerly) top secret Project 1794 and the Avrocar. Because this is The What Cast, we also get into theories concerning UFOs, alien technology, the Roswell crash and Ronald Reagan. |