The What Cast
The What Cast #73 - Giants!

Greetings. Here we are once again. Hopefully you've all gotten beyond your holiday induced comas and are ready to buckle down, at least until Wednesday when we'll likely be in an alcohol induced coma, but that's still a few days away. Let the future us's worry about that!  Today, sit back and tune in as we bring you a show based on giant humanoids.  We get into some of the "evidence" that might point to giants being a real part of the history of Earth.  We also reference the lost OOPArts episode again.  Someday we'll sit down and actually do a proper episode on the topic. For now, you'll have to make do with the talk of giants.  SO! BEHOLD! The What Cast presents: GIANT TALK! Dun Dun DUUUUUUUN!

Direct download: giants.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 9:53am PST

Hey guys. Thanks for checking out the Whatcast presents: Nerd Alert Monthly.  This month we had Kyle (Go Go Gadget Pink Packet) and Eric (Generic) on to discuss video games, the state of modern hip-hop, music writing, professional wrestling, and Mike's younger brothers. Also, to add a bit of Whatcast flavor, Kyle talks about what might be an alien encounter he had.  Stick around after the episode for an unreleased track from Generic.  If you dig it, check the links below to download music from Go Go Gadget Pink Packet and Generic.  Word.


Go Go Gadgit Pink Packet's Music

Generic's Music

Direct download: xkyleisonfirex_2014-12-21_20-14-24.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 10:00am PST

The What Cast #72 - Cloning and De-extinction with Juan  (@humanimpact305)

Hullo Kiddies. We've survived another week, and as a reward you get to listen to this awesome episode of The Whatcast. What a way to start out this new week! Lucky you!


This week we sat down with Juan from the Scientific Human Impact project (@humanimpact305) to talk about cloning, de-extinction, wooly mammoths, and whether or not the Government has secret underground lairs filled with dinosaurs.  On a related note, isn't it kind of bullshit the Jurassic Park is called Jurassic Park? Always bothered me.  Way to mess with us, Michael Crichton!


Anyway, enjoy this episode. May the promise of next week's episode get you through another week. We are hurtling at unsafe speeds toward the Holidays. Pump those breaks and relax. It's supposed to fun!

Direct download: JuansicPark.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 9:25am PST

The What Cast #71 - The Georgia Guidstones & An Update on the Great Time War

Hey there party people! It's time once again for this week's episode of The What Cast.  This time around we talked about The Georgia Guidestones, the Illuminati, and of course the impending the war with Evil Time Traveling Barack Obama.  How could we not? The Guidestones were clearly commissioned by ETTBO as a warning to us all about what the world under his reign will be like.  As always, we here at the Whatcast are breaking news on all things Evil Time Traveling Barack Obama. It pays to have a guy on the inside.




Savannah The Barn Owl Slayer

Direct download: guidestones.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 12:35pm PST

The What Cast #70 - Tarot Reading, Ghost and Video Games with Luci (@Luci_L)

The turkey has come and gone. The Warriors of Capitalism have done battle over the weekend. Now the time has come for Monday to rear its ugly head and remind us that we are all real people that need to do some crunches and squat thrusts because pie.  It's also time for your weekly intake of the Whatcast! (Queue fanfare)


This week we had a special treat as Ms. Luci from the Paranormal Review Radio show came on to discuss tarot, Ghost hunting, and video games. We were also lucky enough to have her give Mike a reading that he was pleased/surprised by. He is a bit of a skeptic, after all.


So gather your friends and family around your favorite listening device and bask in the glory of the first episode of the Whatcast of the Holiday Season. 


We will be posting our lists to Santa shortly. Spoiler alert: Aldo asks for Nickleback and Creed memorabilia.



Luci on Twitter

PRR on Twitter

Direct download: luci.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 12:53pm PST

The What Cast #69 - Cell Memory, Morgellon's, Zombies and a Change Of Allegiance

It's Monday, that means a new episode of The Whatcast! Today, we got back to our roots. No guests, just Mike and Mateo being awesome. It's always fun going back to these shows after a string of guests. Just nice and laid back.  Anyway, this show we talk about Phantom Limb syndrome, the idea of human consciousness and memory, Morgellon's disease, ETTBO, and we touch on a weird object that was allegedly spotted behind Saturn. Mike also makes a big announcement that may affect the future of humanity.  As always, we jumped around a lot and often digressed, but that's why you love us, right? RIGHT?! Why won't you look me in the eye?!

Direct download: sombies.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 3:24pm PST

The What Cast #68 - The Wendigo & Hopi Folklore with Kev

Hello. It's Monday! You know what that means! It's time for another episode of The Whatcast! (queue up fancy theme music and cheer crowds) Today we welcome Kev the Whatcast Shaman (@CosmicLo7us) back on to talk about all manner of cool things.  This episode we covered scary flying heads, killing bigfoot (in a virtual world), The Wendigo, Hopi folklore and legends, and much much more. As always we stray off topic and ramble on, but you've all probably come to expect that by now. As always, feedback is welcomed. Let us know what you like about the show, or if there is anything you'd like to see us cover. We've been getting a lot of listener feedback lately, and it's been great hearing what you guys think! We hope you enjoy. Have a nice whatever.

Direct download: kev.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 6:52am PST

The What Cast #67 - The Mountain With a Mouth: Witness to an Underground Base

Hullo there, kiddies.  This week is a very special show.  It makes the first time we had an actual "in-studio" guest on the Whatcast.  Due to the sensitive nature of some of the things we spoke about, our guest has asked that we refer to him only as "A.D.".  A.D. is a retired military man who had secret clearance, in his post-military career, he drove trucks all over the U.S.  During one of these trips to a secret military facility, he witnessed what could only be described as an underground military base.  A.D. relates his experience and we also get into UFOs, 9/11, and touch a bit on bigfoot.  Enjoy. As always, send feedback to


Thanks for listening.


Direct download: ad.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 1:34pm PST

The What Cast Halloween Special with Aldo Poe

Hellow everyone and Happy Halloween!

We must admit, this is not a vaery "Halloweenish" episode. We start by talking about EVPS and like us What Casters do, we bumble along a string of topics. Religion, what we thing ghosts are and more. 

Thank you all very much for listening and have a safe Halloween!!


Direct download: hallo.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 6:42am PST

The What Cast #66 - BS with Alexx (@TheAlexxCast

Hello friends!

This week, we catch up with our good buddy Alexx from The Alexx Cast. We talk about comic books and movies, he blesses our ears with his singing, hear a cool story about how jack-o-lanterns came to be and a PRIVATE talk about Mateo's poop. Thanks for listening!

Find Alexx on twitter @TheAlexxCast

or go to

thank you all for listening

Direct download: bsxx.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 3:51pm PST

The What Cast #65 - The Eye In The Sky w/ Jane Doe

Hey guys, thanks for tuning in again. This week we have a wonderful guest, a certain Jane Doe, to talk with us about mind control, Project Monarch, Eeeeeevil Disney plots, and other weirdness. We hope you enjoy it!  As always, feel free to send hate mail, death threats, and marriage proposals directly to Aldo Poe. For everything else, hit us up at 


Thanks again to Jane Doe for wasting some time with us. We had much fun!



Direct download: powers.mp3
Category:UFO -- posted at: 1:01pm PST

The What Cast # 64 - Hauntings

Hello friends! This week, we talk about one of Mateo's favorite haunting cases and discuss the whole phenomenon in general. Sorry this episode was late. Have a great week and be safe.

Direct download: huantings.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 9:11am PST

The What Cast #63 - Horror Movies


To celebrate the start of October, we talk Horror Movies. Our favorites, ones we hate, and a few that we based off true stories that may shock you. thank you very much for listening!

Direct download: movies.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 10:10am PST

The What Cast #62 - Hunt For The Super Predator w/ Aldo Poe

Hello friends and happy Monday!

11 years ago, a film make joined some scientist in tagging some Great White sharks during a mass whale beaching in Australia. When the tag is later found, it revealed a shocking story. For all intensive purposes, the 9 foot shark that was tagged was swallowed whole, and some how dove about 2000 feet in only a few seconds.

Join us as we get our monthly visitor, Mike reenacts shark seduction, and we talk about the possibility of an unknown super monster roaming our seas!


Enjoy and thank you for listening!

Direct download: super.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 7:19am PST

The What Cast #61 - Cataclysms!

This episode, Mike berates his cat, we talk about cataclysms, how they happen, and possible causes of super devastating events. thank you for listening!

Direct download: cata.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 11:03am PST

The What Cast #60 - UFO Crashes and Disclosure

This episode, we talk about Roswell, as well as a few other supposed UFO crashes. We also talk about government documentation on UFO crashes, what the government will let us know on the subject and Lobster men.

 Thank you  and Enjoy!!!!

Direct download: crashes.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 11:44am PST

The What Cast Presents: Nerd Alert Monthly #6 with Mike (@ilovetatortots)

Hello all and thank you for listening to The What Cast!

This is the mighty return of our Nerd Alert Monthly show. NAM is where we talk nerdy, relax and just chill with a friend. This installment: Hip Hop, Body Hair, Nair and Pro Wrestling with our good buddy Mike. Mike has a bad ass podcast Called Tator Thoughts. Its in the links blow, so be sure to give it a listen!! Thank you all for listening and thank you Mike!!!

Mike's Podcast

Direct download: tots.mp3
Category:UFO -- posted at: 1:18pm PST

The What Cast #59 - Ancient Civilizations, Atlantis & more with Aldo Poe

A day late and a dollar short, join us as we sit with Aldo and talk about the possibility of UFOs coming from earth its self, piloted by beings from an ancient underwater civilization, rock dudes from Mars as well as Skype destroying our little show and Mike reminds Aldo that Nickelback supporters will not be tolerated.

thank you for listening!

Direct download: newaldo.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 12:53pm PST

Hello! This week, we talk about different aspects of mind control, as well as government projects that have tried to master this ability. Thanks for listening!!

Direct download: relax.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 7:14pm PST

The What Cast #57 - Plum Island

Hello everyone. This episode we talk about Plum Island, the possibility of Lyme disease being a man-made "perfect storm" disease, Mike drops this microphone and Mateo overuses the word exactly. Enjoy.

Direct download: plumb.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 11:14am PST

The What Cast #56 - Strange and Horrible Torture and Execution Methods

This episode we discussed some of the most strange and horrible forms of execution and methods of torture. We must warn you that if gore disturbs you in anyway, this episode may be a little bit rough. Almost as rough as it was for Mike. There is a little poop talk too, so....yeah.....

The What Cast Website


Direct download: tourture.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 9:30am PST

This episode, we sit and talk about the creep side of kids. From strange phrases to imagienary friends, join us as we change the way you see your own kids.

Links at our website!

Direct download: kreepykids.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 11:44am PST


We made it to a year!

This episode, we relax, reflect and just talk with some friends. 

Thank you to all who listen, support and help us grow!



Direct download: aniversary.mp3
Category:UFO -- posted at: 12:36pm PST

Hello everyone!


This episode, we talk about animal related weirdness. From mass deaths and out of place animals to the Suicide Bridge in Scotland dogs have been jumping off for decades for about 30 min and then really neard out, all most crossing the line this time. 

Thanks for listening!



Paranormal People Online

Lion Reunion Video

Direct download: animals.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 9:20am PST

This episode we talk about vampires, vampire killers, Twilight and Mike tells us what he realy thinks about them.

Direct download: vampshow.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 10:01am PST

 Hello everyone! This episode, we talk about all the crazy shit at The Denver International Airport as well as a few other supposed secret underground bases our government has made to conduct human experimentation, alien housing and much more!

thanks for listening and have a great week..


Our New Webpage!

DIA Vide

Direct download: DIA.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 12:19pm PST

hello all and happy Monday!

this week, Aldo talks to us about some strange goings on in his own home. Footsteps, whispers amongst other things.
We also talk about this new "underwater UFO base" found on google maps, off the coast of California.
thank you all for listening and thank you Aldo! 
USO Base coordinates for Google Earth:
34 1'23.31"N 118 59'45.64"W
Direct download: aldo.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 7:49am PST

This episode, we sit down with our good buddy Kev to talk about Deja Vu, Synchronicity, dreams, achieving Shamanic journeys and more! This was one of the most fascinating talks we have had on this show yet, so thank you Kev and we hope those who listen enjoy!!


Kev On Twitter

Travel Beats


Direct download: Shaman_Travels.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 9:04am PST


After watching a rather good documentary on Alien abductions and implants we wanted to discus the topic. So we did. We hope you all enjoy and thank you very much for listening!

The Krill Papers


Fake "Drone" UFO

Fake Drone UFO Video

Direct download: IMPLANTS.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 2:36pm PST

Hello and Happy Monday!

This episode, we sit down with our good buddy Aldo to discus the strange disappearance of over 650 in national parks over the last 50 years. Not murders, not kidnappings, but 650+ people who have vanished.


Aldo On Twitter

Aldo's Blog

Our Ebay Page


Direct download: MISSING.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 6:16am PST

Hey everyone!

This episode of NAM, we break down the powers of two comic book characters, go indepth on how strong they are and apply them to reality. Nerds. We know.


Nerd Bird Graphics


Direct download: namalamadingdong2.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 5:39pm PST

Hey everyone!

We have started an Ebay page as a way to help us get a few things that would keep the show running smooth and improve on its sound. 

We felt weird about asking for donations, so we figured we would make it fun and give you something in return. 

Ebay is allowing 10 items per auction, with each auction lasting 10 days. Once we cycle through all the stuff we have for sale, we will repeat the non sold items, for a 30 day period.

We have a few bronze age comics, 1960-80. Some cool Indy comics (bids start at $5, as well as some very cool Hardcover collections (bids start at $10). All are in good condition. They are fun to read, look cool framed, and are a cool thing to share with your kids.

Click THIS to go see all the items we will be putting up on Ebay. 

Click THIS to go to our Ebay page.

A secondary thing we will be doing is selling 2 "albums" of the songs/beats/loops that we use at the end of the show. Each episode has a original song. About 40 in all. We will split them in to 2 groups of 20ish, and send you, via email, one of the 2 "albums", for a $5 donation through our Paypal account. 

Make ringtones, use them in your podcast. Once you have them, they are yours to do whatever you want. 

Click THIS to hear a sample of some of the songs that will be included in the 2 "Albums".

Thank you all who help us out. We just want to get a few thing to improve the show, and try to get some t shirts and/or stickers made to sell and give away. We are not trying to monetize, just maintain and improve.  

Thank you very much.

Nerdy Bird Graphics 

Direct download: songspreview.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 12:35am PST


Happy Monday and welcome and we discus UFOS, share our favorite cases, and hear about our own UFO sightings. Thank you all very much for listening and please, have a safe and respectful Memorial Day.


XTRO Moive

The Dover Demon

Hopkinsvill Goblins

Our Facebook

Us on Instagram

Direct download: UFOTALK.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 8:43am PST

This week we sit down with Drew Sample and B hop of the Terrible Cast to finally get to the bottom of evil time traveling Barack Obama, Berry Soetoro and a groundbreaking development, the newly discovered Reptama, a reptilian version of evil time traveling Barack Obama, or maybe a new entity altogether. Join us as we crack open this case and B hop makes Mateo confront his Bronyism, and much more!

Thank you Drew and B Hop and thank you for listening!


Drew on Twitter

Bhop On Twitter

The Sample our and The Terrible Cast 

Direct download: drewtogo.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:30am PST

Hey everyone!

This week we sit down with Molly from The Pennymon Doctrine Podcast to talk about the power of dreams, astrolprojecting, and her near death experience. Thank you Molly AND John for talking to us, thank all of you for listening and be sure to click the links to find their show and more!


Molly's Writing

The Pennymon Doctrine Blog

TPD on Facebook

TPD on Stitcher

Molly on twitter

John on twitter


Direct download: molly.mp3
Category:UFO -- posted at: 8:46am PST

Do you like underground alien races that kidnap people only to drag them back beneath the earths crust to be used as food or slaves?! SO DO WE!! Shaver claimed that he found an underground race of aliens called the Daro, along with some hero aliens called the Taro. Join us as we talk about this story that seams to have the longevity of Cher. 


Shaver Interview

Direct download: derotogo.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:37am PST

Hay everyone!
This week, we talk about Murder Cults! Groups of folks who killed people for their believes or benefit. We hope you enjoy! Have a great week!




Adolfo Constanzo

The What Cast On Stitcher!

Direct download: MURDERCULTS.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:38am PST


This week we do a nice, chill kick back show about weird rain, creppy shit that has fallen from the sky. We also take a few moments to talk about the dangers of birds and the poop. 



Direct download: weid_rain.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:38pm PST


This episode we sit down with our buddy Kev, and talk about lucid dreaming, nightmares and the damned easter bunny. 

This is a show we have wanted to do for a while, so thank you Kev foor taking the time to talk to us!

And thank you all for listening!!


Kev on Twitter

Direct download: KevDreamstogo.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 9:43am PST


7PM PST / 9PM CST / 10 EST








Direct download: announc.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 3:54pm PST

This week we sit down with Dirt Devoe, to recap his newly developed paranormal activity, as well as dive into ice fishing, @Markiplier and more. The links have everything you'd need to find Derrick on line, so please click away. Also, please go give Markiplier's youtube channel HERE.


The Dirty Commuter On ITunes

The Dirty Commuter On Podbean

The Dirty Commuter Blog

The Dirty Commuter on Twitter


Direct download: dirty2.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 8:49am PST

Hay Everyone! We hope you had a good weekend. This week, we talk about Dinosaur sightings, kick around the idea, and Mike breaks it all down in this episode. Thanks for listening!



Direct download: ROPINTOBURN.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:16pm PST

Hay everyone! Hope your Monday is going well.

This episode, we sit down with Alexx and talk about Magics, Black Mirrors and his newly established cult! That's right! YOU can join The ApocAlexx! Enjoy!!


Alexx On Twitter!

Alexx's Book on Amazon!

Alexx on The HigherSide Chats!!! 

Direct download: alexx.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 11:18am PST

This episode, we sit down with our good buddy, Aldo Poe to talk about this missing plane. The whole thing is fishy and we try to get to the bottom of it. Join us and share your ideas by shouting them at us through your ipod. We can hear you.

Aldo On Twitter!

Aldo's Bad Ass Paranormal Blog

Direct download: aldoplaneshowtogo.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 12:59pm PST

The Drunk Cast #36 - St. Patrick's Day $ The Otter King


3 days ago, we went into the future, and celibrated this fine day early, just so we can do it again today. We try our best to talk about lovly Irland and a few of her misteries, but it was St. Patt's day and beer may have gotten in the way.

Enjoy, Be safe!

Direct download: Thedrunkcasttoburn.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 7:25am PST

The What Cast #35 - The Black Knight Satellite

Hello everyone! This episode, we sit down to talk about The Black Knight Satellite. A mysterious craft spotted in OUR atmosphere since 1960. Is is ours? No. Is it Russian? No. We are 90% positive it is Berry Sotero's Interdenominational Cell Phone Station


Martin's Fine Work

NASA UFO Footage 

Direct download: BKtoGO.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 7:32am PST

Hello everyone and happy Monday!

On this episode, we got to talk to Anthony Agate and Luci Leibfried, the hosts of the best paranormal show around, Paranormal Review Radio. Join us as we talk about how they got started, some of the investigations they have been on and much more. Thank you Anthony and Luci and thank all of you who listen!!


PRR Show (Listen here!)

PRR On Twitter

PRR On YouTube

PRR On Facebook

Direct download: anthony_and_lluci.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 5:12am PST

Hay everyone!

This episode of NAM, we sit down with our buddy Justin. Justin has a most impressive appreciation for comic books, and an equally staggering amount of knowledge on the subject. Thank Justin and thank you for taking the time to listen.


Justin On The Twitter!!!

Direct download: NAM5.mp3
Category:UFO -- posted at: 12:38pm PST

Hay everyone! This episode we sit down to talk about some of the strangest cases of Haunted Objects. From Dolls to chairs, join us and absorb the new fear of ever buying anything from a garage sale ever again!



Direct download: HuantedObjectts.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 7:22am PST

Hello everyone!

This episode, we sit down to discuss an article sent to us by our good buddy Aldo Poe about 3-4 large, L shaped crafts our government has been tracking until they disappeared, then reappear, having landed in a Chicago sized crater on the moon. Please enjoy and thank you for listening! 


The Article

Sgt. Karl Wolfe Interview

Moon Monster Guy


Direct download: moonTOBURN.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 12:53pm PST

Hello everyone. This episode we sit down with Alexx and discussed the devil and some cases of soul selling, as well as Mariah Carey, amongst other nonrelated shit. Thank you very much for listening and thank you Alexx!!


Direct download: ELDIABLO1.mp3
Category:UFO -- posted at: 9:14am PST


This week we sit down and talk about Werewolfs. Form serial killers, to people who have actually changed in to the beats of legend, join us as we, ya about it.


The Gable Film

Our Facebook

Direct download: werewolfstoburn.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 3:16pm PST

Hay everyone and thank you for listening to NAM!

This episode we got to sit down and hang out with Kick ass hip hop artist, fellow comic book wizard and all around awesome person, Kyle Partyka AKA Go Go Gadget Pink Packet.  Join us as we talk comic books, comic book movies and living in a constant snow dungeon, as well as play  a few of his tracks, so listen till the end. Thanks a lot Kyle!


Kyle on FaceBook

Kyle On Twitter

Direct download: PINKPACKETtoburn.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 6:24pm PST

Hello! This episode we talk about MK ULTRA, exparements done on humands in the name of government funded scientific exploration. Remote viewing, LSD and more!

Thanks for listening!



Direct download: mkultratoburn.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 8:02am PST

Hello everyone!

This episode, we get into past life stuffs and re incarnation. Join us and we try to link them all together!!! Thank you for listening!


The Unmistaken Child

Mateo's past life reading

Direct download: TWCafterlifetoburn.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 10:12am PST

Hello everyone!

this episode, we sit down and share some cases of people claiming to have travled through time, as well as introduce you to some of our own ideas on the subject.

thank you for taking the time to listen!


Time Travling Plumber

Olimpic Ghost/Time Travler 

Time Tunnle

Direct download: TIIIIMETRAVLEtoburn.mp3
Category:UFO -- posted at: 7:27pm PST

Hay everyone!
Sorry for the delay, we had some computer troubles. 
This episode, we go over a couple of the most famous cases of reported Demonic Possessions.
We hope you enjoy and thank you for listening!
Direct download: exorcisttoburn.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 4:45am PST