The What Cast
The What Cast #77 - A Shamanic Update with Kev and Brett

It's Monday once again, which means you've lived through the weekend.  Good for you! As a reward, you get to listen to the brand new episode of The What Cast!  This week, we had Kev (@CosmicLo7us) back on to talk about shamanic journeying, lucid dreaming, and astral projection.  Later on in the episode we are joined by Brett (@Altered_One), who makes his What Cast debut, and shares some of his experiences with us.  We hope you enjoy the show. 


For those who have been asking:  No, The What Cast is not pregnant, Aldo has just been busy.

Direct download: kevnbrett.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 11:28am PST

The What Cast #76 - Bio Centricism with Martin Adil-Smith (@SpiralsOfDanu)

Hey welcome back and thank you for joining us on another episode of The Whatcast.  This week we had author and researcher Martin Adil-Smith on to discuss the theory of biocentrism, politics, and a bit about his books. We had a great time on this one and may have gone a little longer than usual. Hope you all enjoy!

Martin On Facebook!

Martin On Twitter!

Find all of Martin's REALLY awesome books HERE!

Thank You Martin!

Direct download: Martin.mp3
Category:Bizarre -- posted at: 7:51pm PST

The What Cast #75 - What Needs To Change with The Honorable Paul Hellyer

Hey everyone! We hope you had a great weekend!


This episode was a big one for us. The Honorable Paul Hellyer joined us to talk about his new book, Money Mafia, Shadow governments, Exotic flues, and what is really going on with all the world's governments. Mr. Hellyer, in our opinion, is a hero. If you are talking about his political career or his work in demanding all governments share what they know about aliens and UFOS, he is a fearless truth seeker who has all ways wanted whats best for all humans. 


Please go to his web site to get one of his many books, and take a second to see whats really going on with the world's money and resources, why were are being held back, and what can turn it all around.


And this aint no shlub. This is Paul Hellyer.


Direct download: Hellyer.mp3
Category: -- posted at: 6:36am PST

The What Cast #74 - New Years Recovery

It's Monday once again. We've survived the holidays, moved forward into a new year. Take a moment and bask in the first episode of The What Cast in 2015.  This week Mike and Mateo talk about missing planes, conspiracy theories, and US Foreign policy. Be warned this episode gets a bit political, and Mike rants. To regular listeners, this shouldn't come as a surprise. President Obama is also mentioned, but not in the typical way. So sit back, and enjoy. If you'd like to discuss any topics further let's talk in the forums! If you want to berate Mike for his ranting, send a tweet to him. I'm sure he'd love to hear from you!

Direct download: idontknnow.mp3
Category:general -- posted at: 1:14pm PST