Dec 2, 2015
Hey everyone!
Don't worry. Its Wedesday. We're half way through the week. Allow us to attempt to provide you with some mid-week cushioning.
This week, we talk about a few coo-coo birds who say we are in our last days according to the Bible.
Thats right! The book that's supposed to show all how to live, has a hidden message of doom! DOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOM!!!
We poke fun at the whole thing. Shit, Mike might quit the show and become the worlds first Pastor Of Doom!! All destruction, all the time!!
Anyway, we hope you like the show, we hope you have a great week and for the sensitive types, RELAX, we are joking. Mike's not, he's shitting his pants.
Please send him an email saying that you will cradle him as we bleed into the nether.
That you will give him butterfly kisses as our world burns.
That you will boop noses as this planets time comes to and end.