Aug 27, 2020
Creepy crawlies abound this week as we discuss the dreaded J'Ba Fofi, or The Great Spider that dwells in the deep jungles of the Congo.
Aug 20, 2020
You ever wonder why it is that it’s typically people that have strong religious fate that wind up the victims of demonic possession? Is it that the Devil, himself, is trying to punish the faithful? Maybe, it’s that these people have a form of schizophrenia or bi-polar disorder, and it’s their faith that creates...
Aug 13, 2020
What do you do when you’re being oppressed by some asshole wearing a crown? What do you do when Hitler is gathering forces to storm your shores? What do you do when you live in a country that has an obnoxious old man with the temperament of a spoiled toddler as the president?
Well, my friends, there is only...