May 28, 2020
Hey everyone! Sorry for the delay. As you will be able to tell,
we ran into some big time technical issues 5 seconds before
recording, so instead of bailing, we took an extra day to clean up
what we got.
This week, we talk about the ever freaky phenomenon of the Stick
Men. What? No! But yes! People have been reporting...
May 22, 2020
Are you guys sick of the UFO talk yet? IT DOESN'T MATTER! We are gonna talk about this forever. For. Ev. Er.
May 6, 2020
Hey everyone! We hope you are well! This week we go over the new developments in the world of UFOs and Disclosure. The government made some interesting announcements that change the world we live in and it may have pass over everyone’s heads.....again. Join us as we talk about all that, a giveaway and meet the newest...