The What Cast
The What Cast #178 - Mysterious Antarctica with Aldo Poe
Here we are, in the cold, uncaring midst of the winter season.  Unless you live below the Mason-Dixon line, or in the Southwest, chances are, you're buried under ice and snow and in very real danger of getting mauled by timber wolves and polar bears.

With all the being said, we here, at the What Cast thought it would be a perfect time to talk about Antarctica.  We even went so far as to reach out to an old friend of the show, Mr. Aldo Poe. After being thawed from the cryo-stasis he had been relegated to, we hooked his brain up to the info-matic 3000 and filled him chock full of information relating to the frozen continent to the South.

So here ya go, kids.  Antarctican weirdness.  Stay warm.

Direct download: aldo178.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 1:08pm PST