The What Cast
The What Cast #148 - Aliens and Presidents
Hullo there, citizens of Earth!  We've talk many times about Government and military cover-ups where the Alien/UFO thing is concerned.  We've talked about disinformation campaigns, massive conspiracies to keep the existence of extraterrestrials secret, and the whistle-blowers who have tried to get this information out to the public.

This week, we decide to dive into the belly of beast and discuss a handful of U.S. Presidents that have had some experiences/connections/knowledge on UFOs and what might be behind them.  Everything from UFO crashes to secret deals made with the grays. 

So sit back, strap yourself in and enjoy our discussion about the alien conspiracy and the presidents who have a hand in it.

Direct download: POTUFO.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 2:50pm PST