The What Cast
The What Cast #113 - Number Stations

Happy half-way everyone! Before we begin, please accept our humblest apologies for the quality of this show. Techno-gremlins struck again.  We recorded the show in our usual way, however, the program we use to record decided it wanted to exercise some form of free will, and it recorded the entire thing at a much lower bit-rate.  As a result, we sound like we recorded the show using 2 soup cans attached by a string.  We've fixed the issue, and next week the show should be back to its normal sound.

With all that being said, this week we talk about number stations and other strange broadcasts.  We get into what they could be used for, and in typical Whatcast fashion, go off on many tangents.  We hope you're able to enjoy the show, despite the awful audio quality.

Remember, direct all hate mail to Aldo Poe. We all know it's his fault.

Direct download: number.mp3
Category:Paranormal -- posted at: 2:30pm PST